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It was November 13th 2015 in the late hours of the previous night until the early hours of this morning attacks were taking place in Paris, France. The world was in a state of emergency as everything slowly unravelled.
Many woke going about their business as usual not knowing that their lives would soon be changed forever.
20 years later
I walked along the icy tundra as my eyes watered and my limbs turned numb from the cold. I'd been traveling for several days without stopping to reach what I had hoped held a safe place to stay, at least for awhile. I had heard of it from a few survivors I'd stumbled across a few weeks ago, and have been searching ever since.
My name is Simon. I'm 22 years old, I have grey/blue eyes, light brown hair, and I had a brother named Vikk. Many things have changed since the beginning and what's left of the human population can only hope to be strong enough to pull together and make a living off of the desolate wasteland that has become our living nightmare.
I have had to survive on my own for a number of years now as most of my family and friends were missing or dead. I had to learn to get food make a temporary shelter, and sometimes fight to survive.
Today was a hard day I miss my brother and I couldn't find any stores to scavenge. I was in a place that looks to have been a small town many years ago but is now falling apart and is mostly burned down. I picked my way through the debris hoping to find anything remotely useful.
Suddenly I heard a gunshot not far off. I ducked behind some broken down cars and looked around to find where the sound came from. In the distance I saw two people fighting off a huge Naga, it has a head that resembles a lantern fish, wings of a dragon, and the tail of a scorpion. They were using small weapons that quite clearly wouldn't subdue a creature of that size. I had to think quickly in order to be of any help.
I grabbed my tranquilizer from my pack and started running toward them covered by a line of broken cars and debris. I approached from behind the two mysterious figures aimed at the Naga and shot.
It fell to the ground with a thud big enough to shake the ground.
The two people turned and my face paled at who stood before me.
"Vikk?" My eyes became blurry with tears. I couldn't believe it was actually him.
"S-simon?" He stuttered out.
He slowly stepped closer and we hugged finally reunited after so many years. Vikk was so small he was barely level with my chest and was too skinny to be healthy. But his big brown eyes and brown hair were the same as they were when we were little.
It was then I realized that the person with Vikk was a girl. She was small as well her hair was light brown she was a bit shorter than Vikk and has big blue eyes. She has her knee wrapped in what looks like bloodied strips of a t-shirt and has a slight smile on her face.
I look at her reach my hand out and say, "I'm Simon I'm Vikk's brother."
She smiles and replies, "I'm Zoey I'm Vikk's friend we met about a year ago."
That night we set up a temporary camp in an abandoned auto shop. We take time to catch up and tell about how we've survived. Then Vikk pulls out something I haven't seen in a very long time, a map. My eyes widen as he spreads it across the ground. Vikk smiles and points out where we are. He says that we are right outside of New York.
The next morning we set off in search of the heart of NYC...

Thank you for those of you who are sticking with me and if you could give me some feedback that would be awesome ❤️ love you all

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