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(In this Simon is only 5' 7" and Cal is 6' 3")

Simon's pov
I clutched my book to my chest as I made my way through the halls hoping that today they wouldn't find me. I was one hall away from my homeroom when they turned the corner "they" being Cal Freezy, Harry, and Ethan. My eyes widened and I quickly turned the opposite way.
All of a sudden someone yanked on my backpack so hard I hit my head against the wall and fell to the floor. My head was pounding as I tried to look up but I already knew it was time for my daily beating. I curled into a ball waiting for the punches and kicks to come but they didn't.
I slowly lifted my head to see only Cal. He looked down at me offering a hand. I hesitated before grabbing it, when I did I felt a shock and pulled away. His eyes widened and he once again reached his hand out to me.
This time he managed to pull my fragile form of of the ground.
"Why aren't you kicking me? Or punching me?" I asked still very confused.
He shrugged and began to walk away.
"Thank you," I called out quickly before heading to class. My brain was whirling with everything that just happened.
'Why had he helped me?'
'What was that feeling I got when I grabbed his hand the first time?'
'Will he hurt me later?'
Class went by quickly and soon it was lunch. I head outside and go sit at a table near the doors of the lunch room. I quietly eat my lunch and work on my homework until I hear the door open.
Panic floods my brain as no one ever sits out here but me. I glance over to the door only to see Cal standing there staring straight at me. He starts to make his way over to me and I begin trembling.
"P-p-please don't h-hurt me." I stutter putting my hands up in weak defense.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I never wanted to in the first place." He looked down at my still shaking figure and sighed.
He sat down and reached over the table lowering my hands.
"I know what I've done is unforgivable and sorry won't fix the pain we've caused all these years, but I'm sorry for all I've done."
I looked into his clear blue eyes looking for anything that would show that he was lying, but I didn't think he was.
I slowly nodded and glanced down at his hands that were still grasping mine. He chuckled lightly and pulled them away.
Cal then reached for his bag and pulled his phone out he opened it and then handed it to me.
"Um can you put your contact in? In case you ever need anything," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as I slowly entered my number and name.
I slid it back to him and his eyes widened as he looked at what I'd put in as my name 'worthless waste of space'.
"Why would you put that?"
"you've told me that before..and so have your friends..."
"I'm so sorry Simon and I'm going to make sure that they'll never hurt you again."
I smiled softly but little did he know they weren't the only ones hurting me...
Cal's pov~
As I drove home from school I notice a small person walking in the distance I approach them and notice that it's Simon. I sigh and pull over. He jumps slightly at the noise of my truck and turns his head slightly.
"Hey, hop in I'll give you a ride home."
He shakes his head and keeps walking. I follow and again try to give him a ride home and yet again he refuses and tells me it's only a couple blocks away.
My wolf whines at him rejecting us. I head home and go to my father's office. He the alpha of the Sierra pack and I was his heir and soon to be alpha.
I know led and the let myself into his office.
"Hello Callum is there something you need to tell me?"
"I found my mate."
"That's great when can I meet him." He says smiling widely.
My stomach drops and my eyes grow big.
"H-how did y-you know it was a h-him?"
"Because I'm your dad and even though I may seem like I'm not paying attention you've never been on a date with a girl and I've seen you stare at boys before."
My face burns at what he says.
"So let me ask you again when do I get to meet our future Luna?"
"Well up until today we weren't exactly on good terms."
His face became stern.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well Harry, Ethan, and I um...we may have..."
He glared at me because he knew exactly what I meant.
"How could you do that to someone. I thought I raised you better than that. Send Harry and Ethan here immediately, and I hope you figure out how you're going to help fix what you've done."
"Yes alpha," I bowed my head and went to my room mind linking the other two to report to my dad.
I was laying on my bed relaxing and thinking about the day when my phone started ringing on my nightstand.
I reached for my phone and looked at the screen to see that it was Simon. My heart raced and I picked up.
"C-cal I...c-c-can you come g-get m-me," he stuttered sobbing quietly.
I became worried and told him to breathe and then tell me where he was. A few minutes later he began to talk.
"I'm at the park across from school."
I was already halfway to my truck when the line went dead. Me hear was beating fast and I abandoned the thought of getting in my truck instead shifting and running to my small mate.
I arrived shortly after to see Harry and Ethan walking away. I shifted an went up to them.
"What did you do to him!" I growled using my alpha voice.
"N-nothing sir." They lied looking down.
I growled lowly and asked again,
"Answer me and look me in the eyes, what did you do to him!"
"W-we gave h-h-him what he d-d-deserved for r-ratting is out."
"You idiots I told my dad! You'd better report back and tell him exactly what you did to out future Luna."
Their eyes widened and they started muttering apologies but all I could focus on was finding my mate.
I searched the park until I found him lying near a bush with a duffel bag overflowing with clothes.
My eyes welled with tears and my wolf let out a small whine. I picked him up gently and he let out a small whimper of pain. He opened his teary red eyes and tried to smile at me.
I hugged him gently to my chest as I grabbed his bag and began the walk to my house. On the way I mind linked my dad asking him to please come pick us up.
When we got inside I carried Simon up to my room and laid him gently on my bed before digging through my drawers for some pajama bottoms and a shirt.
He hummed in response.
"Can you change into these yourself?"
He lifted his head slightly and looked over before shaking his head yes.
I walked over to him and set the clothes down and then turned around so he could change.
"You can turn around now," he whispered.
I turned to see him curled up under the duvet with a tear rolling down his cheek from his silvery blue eyes. My heart ached as I reached out to wipe it away. I soon crawled up next to him and sat him on my lap as he cried softly. I shushed him and told him I would protect him while running my fingers through his dirty blonde hair.
He soon relaxed and was sleeping soundly I stayed there with my arms wrapped around his skinny frame and his head tucked under my chin.
I started drifting off and thought it was best to lay down so I gently moved Simon down next to me and lied down behind him.
~a few hours later~
I felt Simon squirming beside me and woke up to see his face scrunched up and him holding his hip.
"Si? What's wrong?"
He continues to hold his hip until I gently moved his hands lifted up his shirt. I gasped and gently ran my finger over the dozens of scars that littered his pale skin.
"Because I-I'm useless and a w-waste of s-s-space."
I stopped him in his tracks by lightly placing kisses to each one and finally pecked his cheek not wanting to overwhelm him.
"C-cal why a-a-are you s-suddenly being n-nice to m-me?"
I breathed out before explaining that he was my mate. He looked confused and told me to prove it. I clambered out of my bed and began to undress.
I began shifting, my bones cracking and popping into place.
Then I was level with my bed and on all fours. Simon's eyes widened as he stared at me in shock.
Simon's pov~
In front of me stood a huge silvery grey wolf with piercing blue eyes. I motioned for him to come closer until I could pet his soft fur. I smiled lightly and patted the bed next to me.
He wagged his tail and jumped up curling up beside me. I giggled and rested my head on him while still petting his fur.
Around an hour later he changed back and sat next to me waiting for me to say something.
"So I'm your mate?"
"Erm yes." He says blushing.
I grab his hand that's laying on his thigh and lace my fingers through his.
"So if you're gonna be the alpha what does that make me?" I asked curious about this new information.
"Well that would make you the Luna."
I didn't know much about this but that sounded important which worried me because no one takes me seriously.
"You spaced out."
"Oh sorry," I said sheepishly.
"Anyways, Harry and Ethan won't be bothering you anymore. They will have to respect you because you will have a higher rank than them as you will be a Luna."
I nodded when suddenly my stomach growled.
Cal laughed and asked if I was hungry. I said yes and he carried me downstairs to make us food.
When we got downstairs I saw Ethan, Harry, and someone who looked a lot like Cal.
I tensed and turned away nuzzling into Cal's chest. A low growl emitted from him as he spoke,
"What are they doing here?"
"W-we're h-here to apologize to L-Luna Simon." They say quietly bowing their heads.
He nodded curtly and let them apologize while he still held me tightly to him.
"We're so sorry for everything Luna Simon. We will do anything we can to help you."
I nodded and Cal kept walking to the kitchen. He placed me on the counter and got to work making sandwiches for us.
"Hey Si?"
"Why were you at the park earlier when you called?"
"W-well I r-ran away."
"Because you, Harry, and Ethan weren't the only ones who beat me." I muttered softly.
Cal's pov~
It broke my heart to hear him say that. He didn't deserve it any of it and I sure as hell didn't deserve him after all I've done.
I slowly walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist loosely and leaning my head on his chest.
"I know I still have a lot to do before you trust me fully but please believe me when I say this. I love you Simon Minter."
I looked up at him and he was grinning down at me. We leaned in and our lips connected in a short sweet kiss. We pulled away and just stood there hugging each other until I remembered our sandwiches.
"Hey Si if you want that sandwich you're gonna have to let go for a sec."
He frowned but let go deciding that he wanted the food. We ate in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before my dad walked in.
"Hello Luna Simon." He says kindly.
"I'm Steven Freezy, Cal's dad," he introduced himself before sitting next to me and updating me about the pack's jobs, new pups, etc.
After we had finished eating we headed back up to my room to talk.
"So Simon you've probably guessed by now but you'll be staying here from now on and tomorrow my dad and I will go collect the rest of your things."
He nodded and yawned slightly before saying that he was tired.
I agreed and we got ready for bed again.
We climbed into bed, I had my arms wrapped around my small mate and he had his head against my chest falling asleep almost instantly but not before mumbling,
"I love you Cal."
I smiled down at him before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

A/N omg guys this is my longest chapter ever at over 2,200 words!!! I hope you enjoy this as it took so long to write <3 love you all!

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