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I had a request for more bajanless so here we go!

Bajanless- late night stomach ache

Rob's Pov-
It was around 2 am and I was up editing a video Preston and I had recorded earlier today when I heard a slight groan from Mitch who was laying in our bed.
I looked back to see him holding his stomach and squeezing his eyes shut tight. Slowly I got up and walked over to him.
I sat on the edge of the bed and gently grabbed his shoulder.
All I heard was a muffled whimper.
"What's wrong babe?"
He pointed to his stomach before letting out a sob and clutching it again.
"I h-have a s-s-stomach ache." He sobbed out trying not to whimper in pain. I quickly ran downstairs to grab ibuprofen to lessen then pain he was in.
I gave them to Mitch along with a glass of water he swallowed them and immediately curled up still in pain.
Meanwhile I went back downstairs to grab the microwaveable neck pillow that I could wrap around his stomach to help soothe it.
~a few min later~
I wandered back upstairs to find Mitch still holding his stomach but in slightly less pain than before.
I slid into bed behind him and wrapped the neck pillow around his small waist. He let out a sigh as the heat relaxed his muscles. I wrapped him in a hug and slowly rubbed circles in his stomach further releasing the pain.
"Thank you Rob" he said quietly.
"No need to thank me, you would've done the same thing" I said nuzzling his neck softly.
Soon enough he had fallen asleep and I shortly followed.

A/N yayyyyy another one finished on a roll! As for the theme of this I literally wrote this as I'm suffering cramps :/ and wishing for someone to cuddle but yeah I wrote this instead XD love you all ❤️ (also sorry it's so short)

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