.Pastel couple.

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A/N sorry for crappy title if you have a better one let me know and I'll gladly change it XD

Ship:Wroetostar (this is freaking adorable)

Harry's pov~
It was relaxing, laying in a field full of vibrant flowers with my soulmate. His soft chocolate brown eyes stared into my blue-green ones as we curled up and talked about the future.
We both had it rough, both bullied for being feminine and being who we are. It was rough but we had each other and our friends and really that was all we needed.
-next day-
Vikk and I were walking out of school laughing and talking about how terrible he was at FIFA when I was knocked down. I heard him gasp and rush to my side. I looked up only to find Kai the head of the wrestling team smirking down at us.
"What do you want Kai!?" Vikk said exasperated.
"Oh so Mr. Pansy can talk." He says sarcastically.
I was livid how dare he talk about my precious little star like that!
"Hey pick on someone your own size!" I yelled as I got to my feet.
"Oh yah? And what're you going to do about it f**!"
My hands curled into fists as I got ready to beat the crap out of Kai until I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.
"Harry please don't sink to his level it's not worth it." He says glancing down at my fist.
I nod and we begin to walk away. Suddenly there's a shooting pain in the back of my skull and I cry out in pain as I collapse to the floor writhing in pain.
Vikk once again rushes to my side and tries to help me up but is yanked away by another kid on the wrestling team. I try to grab his hand but he's too far. The punches and kicks begin to hit me like a wave and I pray that my little star isn't being hit.

Vik's pov
I watched in horror as he hit Harry over and over again my body was shaking uncontrollably as I struggled to free myself from the person holding me back. Kai had a twisted look of humor on his face as Harry went unconscious.
And as soon as they had showed up they left. I was released and I immediately ran to his side.
I gently lifted his head into my lap as I called Tobi.
"Hey Vikky!"
"Vikk? Is everything alright?"
"N-no p-please tell t-the others to c-come to t-the science w-wing at t-the school f-fast."
"What happened?" He asked concern lacing his voice.
"Kai got Harry."
He gasps and says he's on his way and that Simon and Jj will be here as well.
-4 minutes later-
I was now sitting in the back of Tobi's car with Harry laying on my lap still unconscious. Tears were sliding down my cheeks as we made our way to the hospital.
We arrived within a few minutes and Simon carried Harry inside. He was rushed away and I finally slumped into one of the chairs crying once again. I felt someone bring me into a gentle hug and looked over to see Jj. I rested my head on his shoulder as I tried to calm down. He rubbed circles into my back soothingly and soon Simon and Tobi came and sat with us.
We waited for any news on Harry and finally an hour later a doctor came to talk to us.
"How is he?" Simon asks.
"He is stable but has gone into a coma, he has 2 broken ribs and bruising but he should make a full recovery, you may go visit him the room number is 312."
We nodded and thanked him before making our way to his room. I stood in front of the door taking a deep breath before opening the door. My breath hitched at the sight he had an IV in his left arm, bruises covered his arms and face, and looked more pale than usual. Slowly I walked over to him and sat next to his bed.
I laced my fingers with his as everyone else stood around the bed. We all sat silently as tears rolled down my face waiting for him to wake up.
When visiting hours were nearing a close I kissed Harry's forehead gently before standing up to leave.
"Vikky?" Tobi says softly.
I looked over to him.
"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"
I nodded slowly as Simon, Jj, Tobi, and I walked out to the parking lot. Tobi and I hug Simon and Jj before heading to his car and leaving for the night.
-next day-
I woke up feeling exhausted and slowly clambered off the air mattress I had slept on the night before. I shook Tobi lightly before going to get ready.
Once we were both ready we head out to Tobi's car and before we know it we are on our way back to the hospital.
We arrived around 9:47 and I prayed that Harry would be awake, but to my dismay he wasn't. I was losing hope fast and slumped into the uncomfortable plastic chair near the bed where the person I love lay still as if in an eternal sleep. Once again I laced my fingers with his but this time I began talking.
"Hi Haz I don't know if you can hear me but I'm going to talk to you anyway. I love you so much and I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from Kai and his friend. I stayed at Tabi's last night, but I missed you...I hope you wake up soon. I don't know what I'd do without you, you've been there for me for 3 years and I hope that when you wake up I will man up and ask you to be mine forever..." I couldn't continue as tears welled in my eyes and a lump formed in my throat.

Harry's pov-
That voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't place it and as hard as I tried to open my eyes I couldn't. I focused on the sound of soft crying and tried again to open my eyes, but to no avail.
I was slowly becoming frustrated but gave it one more go. This time I was able to move my hand a bit the n my toes. I heard a gasp and finally I was able to open my eyes.
I saw a boy sitting in the chair near my bed smiling at me with tears eyes.
"Haz I'm so glad you're okay." He says getting up to hug me. I panicked a bit as I didn't know who he was.
"Um do I know you?"
He stepped back face becoming pale with my words. Suddenly he burst into tears and rushed out of the room.
I was confused and a bit sad I made him cry but I didn't know him...maybe I do...I don't really know.

Vikk's pov-
I rushed into the hall bumping into Josh who had shown up to come see Harry.
"Whoa whoa what's wrong Vikk?" He asked stopping me.
"H-he d-doesn't k-know me." I managed to stutter.
He reached his arms out to embrace me in a warm hug. Running his fingers through my hair softly trying to calm me down.
"Vikk look at me. He will remember I'm sure it's only temporary for now let me take you home and you get some rest ok? I will talk to the doctor and call you after, alright?
I simply nodded.
-later that day-
I had just gotten off the phone with Josh who told me that the doctor said that memory loss was typical with coma patients and that slowly his memories will come back and that taking him to familiar places will help jog his memory. I was relieved but also upset as I had planned on proposing to Harry once he got out, but now I'd have to wait until he remembered us...
-a few days later (sorry for all the time skips)-
It's been a few days and Harry has remembered a lot but still doesn't remember us. I was losing hope and stored the ring I bought in the back of one of my drawers deciding that I wouldn't be needing it anytime soon.
I had agreed to go to the pitch with the guys today and thought it best to head over to Simon, Josh, and Jj's place.
We ended up playing football for about 2 hours before going to Nandos for dinner.
I was seated next to Harry and Tobi and silently listened to everyone else's conversations.
"So Vikk how are you?" Harry asked quietly.
"I'm okay I guess. How about you."
"I'm alright and I'm really sorry I don't remember much about you I wish I could but.." I cut him off.
"It's fine it isn't your fault...if anyone's to blame it's me" I added though no one was supposed to hear that part.
"How could it possibly be your fault?"
I sighed, "Do you really want to know?"
He nodded.
"It was almost a week ago we were walking out of school together when Kai (our bully) started beating you in front of me." The memory brought tears to my eyes. If only I could've stopped him then Harry would remember me.
"You don't have to continue if you don't want to."
I shook my head slightly and continued the story.
"He beat you until you were unconscious, one of his friends held me so I couldn't help you but if I had tried harder then I wouldn't have to be telling you this. It's all my fault that you can't remember..." I got up quickly and went to my car. I couldn't handle being around Harry I love him so much that him not knowing about us is just too much.
I clamber into my car resting my head on the wheel until I hear a light tap on the window. I look up to see Harry staring in at me worriedly. I opened the door and Harry rushed to hug me.
I hugged back lightly before pulling away.
"Why did you do that? You barely know me..."
"You needed that and based on what you told me there was nothing you could do Vikk none of this is your fault so please don't blame yourself."
He grabbed my hands and my heart raced.
"I will try to remember you I will do whatever it takes to get those memories back okay?"
I nodded and hugged him once more before heading home.
I was editing a MC lucky block video when I heard the doorbell go off. I got up warily wondering who would be at the door at 2 a.m. I liked through the peephole to see Harry.
My eyes widened at the sight and I flung the door open ushering him in from the bitter morning air.
"What in the world are you doing here at 2 a.m. Harry?!?"
"Harry don't you usually call me Haz?" He smirks.
I gasp and rush to him hugging him tightly.
"I'm so so sorry Haz I shouldn't have let them do that I love you so much."
He shushed me.
"I know little star it's alright I'm okay and everything's going to be okay." He reassured me.
I then remembered that special little box hidden in my drawer and rushed to grab it. I ran back to the living room where a very confused looking Harry stood.
I nervously got down on one knee.
"Harry I don't know what I would do without you, you are not only my best friend but also my one and only love. You've been here for me for 3 years and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to protect you and be able to call you mine so please do me the honor of being my husband?"
He smiled softly and nodded. I stood up and embraced him tightly before sliding the simple silver ring on his finger. We hugged tightly once again and I knew that everything was going to be alright.

A/N I think this was my longest one shot XD anyways hope you all enjoyed!
By lovelies <3

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