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Simon's pov-
It's the middle of May and unusually warm outside today so Josh and I decide to go to the beach together. We pack lunch, towels, and anything else we think we will need. We head to Josh's car and leave for the day.
~time skip cuz car rides are boring~
Josh and I grabbed our stuff out of the car and found an empty spot in the sand. Soon after we ate lunch and talked quietly about upcoming events and new videos.
We finished eating fairly quickly and put our trash in a plastic bag we'd brought along.
"Want to go for a swim Si?" He asks while taking his shirt off.
I hesitate before slowly shaking my head no. He frowns and sits down with me.
"Why not babe?" Josh says and hugs me lightly.
"People will see them," I whisper referring to my scars. He smiles sadly before saying,
"Simon look at me," I turn my head his brown eyes looking into my glossy blue ones.
"You're beautiful okay? Who cares if they see your scars. They show how much you've gone through to be happy and to be you."
I smiled at that and hugged him tightly before turning to give him a short kiss.
I took off my t-shirt and looked down to see the scars just above my ribs. They were from the top surgery I'd had about a year ago and were still fairly prominent. I glanced around and thankfully no one was looking as Josh and I ran to the water.
We left around eight after watching the sunset and then seen the stars appear one by one. In the car I laced my fingers with his and thanked him for helping me be more confident about who I am.
He smiled softly at me and squeeze my hand reassuringly as we pulled into the driveway.

A/N herro! Sorry this is so short but I've got a lot of stuff to work on UmbreTheWriter can verify that XD anyways hope you enjoyed this ✌🏼️

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