Ties That Bind

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I know the title sounds sinister but I promise it's just another werewolf mate oneshot! :)

ship: ministar

Vikk's pov (I seem to use Vikk's pov a lot XD)-

I shivered from the cold that seeped into my "room" through the cracked cement walls of the basement. I curled up under the thin ratty blanket that was given to me, simply so I wouldn't die.

Let me introduce myself my name is Vikk and I'm the pack omega. I do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, you name it I probably do it. I am not allowed to speak and must never make eye contact with anyone in the pack besides the one other omega who unlike me is allowed upstairs during the night and whom they treat like any other pack member.

I never could understand why they all didn't like me until one day I happened to be cleaning the kitchen and overheard the alpha's son talking to his beta. They hated that I was not fully a werewolf (in this he's half cat and half wolf),and that I was gay. They called me weak ,hybrid freak, and feminine, and much worse names that I do not care to repeat. Deep down it hurt and my wolf whimpered and my panther mewled sadly at the names our mate was calling us.

After hearing that I tried to avoid contact with anyone in the house that meant getting up early and staying in the kitchen and laundry room the majority of the day. However, I wouldn't be able to hide any longer because in a few days time the alpha's son would turn 18 which meant he would find out that I was his mate. he would reject me and surely I would be banished from the pack and have to live as a rogue, or maybe if I was lucky the pain from the rejection would kill me.

~time skip to later in the day~

I was quietly sweeping the kitchen when I heard the booming voice of the alpha drawing closer and closer to me. I stopped in my tracks and began to back away in fear that he would beat me like he had done last week, but when he walked into the kitchen I realized the anger wasn't directed toward me but instead his son.

"How dare you insult your beta!"

"It's not my fault he's a f*g*ot," he snarled back.

"I don't understand why you can't except that when you have two fathers!" the alpha yelled back.

"That's different and you know exactly why!" Simon says glancing over to me as if thinking 'I can't say it in front of the omega'.

Alpha Mike growled lowly one more time before storming out of the room. Simon looked over to me and I immediately dropped my gaze. He huffed angrily before leaving me in the kitchen alone once more.

I finished my chores and was heading back to my room when I was stopped by the Luna. He came up and gently grabbed my shoulder. I jumped and began to shake afraid to turn around.

"Relax omega it's just me," he said gently.

I slowly turned around eyes still trained on the ground.

"Look up please."

I did as I was told and he gasped probably at the bruises and cuts that were still healing on my face.

"I heard a rumor going around that my mate had beaten you, but I didn't want to believe it," he stated bowing his head in shame.

"I-it's o-okay," I replied my voice hoarse from disuse.

"No it isn't and I'm going to make sure that it doesn't happen again. And one more thing what's your name?"

"I-it's V-vikk, and please don't say anything or it will make it worse." His eyes filled with a look of guilt and sorrow.

Sidemen/pack ship oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz