Our Little Family

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LachlanxHarry- our little family

(Harry is gonna be small for this, like really small, 5' 3")

Harry's pov~
I woke with a start feeling the strong urge to throw up. Rushing to the bathroom I began to gag and tears streamed down my face. I had always hated being sick and Lachlan had went out for groceries so I was alone.
When my stomach had finally calmed down I slowly got up and brushed my teeth before curling up in bed waiting for Lachlan to return.
~half an hour later~
"In bed," I replied weakly. I was hungry but didn't want to move in fear I'd throw up again.
Lachlan soon appeared by my side.
"What's wrong babe?"
"I threw up this morning and haven't eaten," I whimpered.
His eyes softened and he pulled me close, gently picking me up and carrying me to the living room.
"Hey Lachy?"
He hummed in response.
"Can you make a doctor appointment for me?" He nodded knowing how much discomfort I was in.
He laid me gently on the couch before kissing my lips softly and then going to make me some eggs and toast.
-time skip to next morning-
I once again run to the bathroom to throw up but this time Lachlan was behind me rubbing my tummy soothingly and kissing my cheek lightly whispering that everything was going to be okay.
We slowly got up and I brushed my teeth before getting ready for my appointment. Lachlan and I clambered into the car and began the hour drive to the doctors office. As we drove Lachlan held my hand and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles to help keep me calm.
When we arrived I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. I sat nervously with Lachlan waiting for my name to be called. We waited for about fifteen minutes before being called back.
"Hi I'm Dr. Ross," he says holding out his hand for us to shake.
I smile lightly.
"So what seems to be the problem?"
"Well the past couple of days I've been throwing up but it goes away around lunch time, having bad stomach aches, and I'm more hungry than usual."
He looks puzzled.
"Okay I think I might know what is happening however I'm going to need to run a test first."
I nod and look to my boyfriend who looks worriedly down at me.
"I also am going to have to ask that you leave for this but I will bring you back in for the results," he said to Lachlan.
He nodded before pecking my cheek and exiting the room.
"Okay so I need you to lay back and pull up your shirt to your rib cage."
I did as I was told still confused. I watched as he pulled a machine over and grabbed a little tube off the stand.
"This is going to be a bit cold." He said referring to the gel in his gloved hands.
He put it on and I shivered. Then he grabbed a tool attached to the machine and placed it gently on my stomach. Dr. Ross slid the device back and forth before smiling softly. Before turning off the machine he turned to me and pointed to a small bean like shape on the screen.
"That's your child."
My stomach dropped and my eyes widened.
"W-what that c-can't be t-t-true." I couldn't believe what I was just told. This isn't possible. I'm a freak. I gasped. Lachlan. What would he think of me.
"Mr. Shaw? Are you alright?"
I shook my head slowly, "How is this possible?"
"Well you're part of about 5% of males that can carry children. Also known as a carrier."
I nodded taking it in.
"Would you like me to get Mr. Power?"
"Yes please," I whispered.
Lachlan walked in closing the door behind him. I had my head in my hands preparing to have my heart broken by the man I loved.
"So what did he say?"
"Um...uh," I bust into tears. I couldn't handle the thought of him leaving me.
"Hey Haz calm down whatever it is we can get through it together I love you."
"Y-you won't a-after you f-find out w-what's wrong w-with me."
He hugged me tightly
And ran his fingers through my hair.
"Tell me I promise I'm here for you."
"I-I-I'm going t-to have o-o-our ch-child."
He looked down at me.
"Are you serious?! Harry that's amazing."
"Yes! We are going to have a family," his eyes welled with tears of joy as he leaned down to kiss my lips softly.
I giggled at his excitement and he held me tightly to him as we made our way to the car thanking Dr. Ross on the way out.
When we got home I immediately put on my blue sweatshirt and basketball shorts before climbing into bed to rest with Lachlan following a few minutes later. His long arms wrapped around my small body pulling me closer. He slowly rubbed my slightly swollen tummy and I could feel him smile as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
"I love you Haz thank you for this."
I turned to face him before saying, "I love you too Lachy and I'm happy we will be able to have our own little family."
Our foreheads touched as we looked into each other's eyes before falling into a blissful sleep.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed this and also I will be posting the first chapter of my new book tonight!

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