Survival of the fittest part 2

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A/N accidentally released this awhile ago so here it is officially 😂❤️

Preston's pov~
Late that morning we began traveling again staying close to the buildings in case Vikk needed to rest. He was struggling to stay with us so Harry walked alongside him conversing quietly.
My guard was up as I looked around wearily the events from the day before not fully sunk in. That was the first time that one of us had gotten seriously injured and I didn't want it happening again.
We stopped around midday to rest and eat and talk about where we were heading. Harry was silent about everything that was said.
I began to worry as Harry scooted away from us and rested his head between his knees shaking slightly. All eyes turned to me as I rushed over to his small form. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close as I did the night before.
"What's wrong Haz?" He sobbed harder and my heart stung I wanted to help him but I didn't know what was wrong.
About ten minutes later he had calmed down and was ready to try to tell me what was on his mind.
"I'm sorry for being so childish and crying so much. It's just this, all the running and injuries reminds me of how it was with my family before know, and my brother he used to call me Haz..." He trailed off.
"I am so sorry Harry I didn't know, and don't forget what I told you last night. We are your family now and we will protect you like we protect everyone else."
"T-thank you Preston you have no idea how much that means to me."
Harry hugged me tighter and out of the corner of my eye I saw everyone moving closer. Soon enough we were all hugging silently enjoying the comfort of our little family.
When we broke away I saw Rob whispering something to Harry and when he was finished Harry was smiling lightly and hugging him a single (what I hoped was happy) tear rolled down his cheek.
Rob began to make his way over to me as we began to walk again.
"Hey Robbie what was that all about?"
"Well....have you ever thought about I don't know being parents!"
My eyes widened as I slowly put the pieces together. He smiled.
"I told Harry that he could call us his dad's but only if that's okay with you!" He rushed.
I giggle and pulled him in for a short kiss. Glancing over my shoulder I see Harry looking hopefully at us I smile brightly and motion for him to come over.  We hug for a bit when I hear quiet chuckles coming from Vikk and Lachlan.
"Hate to break up your cute family hug and all but we gotta find a place to stay for the night." Lachlan says lightly.
I nod as we head on looking for somewhere to sleep.
-that night-
I'm sitting quietly thinking to myself how I got so lucky to have such an amazing family. Smiling at the thought someone sits down next to me. I turn to see Harry. I have a feeling this is going to be a constant thing.
"Watch a doin up Haz? Is it okay if I call you that?"
"Couldn't sleep and yes that's fine d-dad."
Smiling I put an arm around his shoulder and we talked until he fell asleep again.
All was well for now but I knew deep inside that this wouldn't last forever.

A/N this was crapppppp I literally cannot write in having such awful writers block gahhhhh anyways hopefully I'll pick up the pace again..
Love chu peeps! <3

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