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Another request for minifreezy!

Minifreezy-Coming home

Cal's Pov-
The date is December 24, 2017. Christmas Eve. I woke up to hear a thunderstorm overhead and thought that even the dreariest weather couldn't dampen my mood, because today Simon was finally coming home.
He had been serving in the army for two years and had been stationed in Afghanistan, I'd only been able to talk to him a few times and waited (not so patiently) for this day.
As I got ready I thought of how different he could be and the fact that he will most likely be more serious and well..changed.
~time skip to airport~
I waited at the terminal with two "gifts" one of which could either make or break our relationship.
The first gift was a few roses cliche but I hope he would like the thought. The second, a ring. I want show him that no matter how much sh*t we go through that I will always be there for him.
Simon's Pov~
  As I walk down the long hallway that separates me and Cal I suddenly become worried, what if he doesn't want to be with me because I've been gone so long, or maybe I've changed too much.
As I get closer to the terminal I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself for the worst.
Cal's Pov~
I watched as soldiers were reunited with love ones and wondered how it would be when Simon and I reunited. As my mind wandered he suddenly turned the corner looking around for me.
Time seemed to slow as I made my way toward him. He noticed me making my way to him and walks as quickly as he can to me. He makes his way to me and hugs me tightly, which I return with equal compassion. My eyes blur and I smile at him as we lightly kiss for the first time in over 2 years.
We laugh lightly and I hand him the roses, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks as he pulls me in gently for another hug.
My heart beats quickly as I pull the small box from my back pocket and get on one knee, "Simon Minter, we've been through so much together and I don't know what I do would do without you. Will you marry me?"
By this point tears were streaming down his face and we had attracted a small audience. But none of that mattered as Simon quickly nodded his head and pulled me up to kiss me.
I slipped the simple gold band into his finger and hugged him tightly. He hadn't changed at all he was still my Simon, even after 2 years...

A/N sorry it was short and crappy :/ love you all ❤️

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