neko part 2

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Zerkstar neko part 2-

Vikk's pov~

I was awoken by sunlight shining brightly through the window and fingers running gently through my hair, every once in awhile stopping to pet my ears. I tried to hold in my purring but eventually gave up. Josh laughed quietly and I turned to face him. He smiled down at me and I smiled back lightly. I hugged him tightly burying my face in his chest.

"Thank you for everything Josh, I'm so glad you found me."

"I am too little star."

"Little star?"

"You have a little patch of white fur on your ear that looks like a star," he explained.

"Oh ok," I reply giggling at the nickname.

We got out of bed soon after and I head downstairs to make breakfast while josh called his office to make sure that the paperwork for the Neko shelter was there.

I looked through the cabinets for something to cook up for us. Eventually I came across some cereal and decided that was good enough. I wandered over to the fridge and grabbed the jug of milk, then to the cabinets again for bowls and finally went through the drawers to find the spoons. I poured the milk and cereal into the bowls and slowly made my way to the dining room.

I sat down in a chair and waited patiently for Josh to come downstairs. He arrived a few minutes later looking frustrated, but immediately lit up when he saw that I'd made breakfast for him. 

"Thanks for making breakfast little star."

I blushed, "It's nothing special, only took a couple minutes," I mutter quietly.

"It is special because you didn't have to do it," he rambled.

My face gets redder and he chuckles lightly. We eats in silence the only noise being the occasional clink of the spoon hitting the bowl. I finish first and grab my bowl once again heading to the sink to wash it out of habit, and again being stopped by Josh.

"Am I going to have to this after every meal?" He jokes while taking my bowl and placing it gently in the sink.

"Sorry I'm just not used to having someone else do things for me. I'm used to having to fend for myself." Josh comes closer and wraps his arms around me.

"You don't need to apologize for anything Vikk, you never deserved to be treated that way and I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again."

I look up with tears welling in my eyes and thank him for giving me the opportunity to live freely. He smiles down at me before releasing me from his warm and comforting embrace. I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to say something.

"Well I need to get ready to back to the neko shelter and you can come along if you'd like and maybe help some of the nekos be able to trust me."

I nodded my head and followed him to his room. Josh once again dissapeared into the closet only to appear a few seconds later holding a clean pair of joggers and a plain black t-shirt that would probably reach mid-thigh on me considering that I was vertically challenged (short). I smiled and thanked him before heading to the bathroom to change.

~time skip to shelter~

We entered the shelter to hear mewls of pain and neglect from every corner of the small establishment. My heart felt heavy with guilt because for the last 24 hours I'd been fed, given clothes, been able to bathe, and enjoy life while all of the nekos and hybrids here had to suffer and starve. 

We made our way to the first cage, in it was a small female fox hybrid. She had ginger colored hair and piercing green eyes, I approached the cage slowly and sat in front of it slowly unlatching the lock and opening the door. I reached a hand out to her and motioned for her to come forward.

She hesitated before slowly coming toward me. Once she had I gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her out straight into a hug. 

"You're going to be okay now I promise," I said as i hugged her thin frame.

"T-thank y-you," she replies unsteadily.

"What's your name hun?"

"My name is Luna." 

"That's a pretty name," I say smiling softly at her.

I turn to Josh who is holding a fluffy blanket and some crackers to give to Luna. I quickly grab them and wrap her in the blanket then hand her the crackers. This process goes on for five hours. Almost the same routine for every cage I open it, get the neko or hybrid to come out, comfort them, get their name, wrap them in a blanket, and give them crackers. We had finally come to the last cage but when i took a closer look I gasped and tears welled in my eyes.

In the cage was the neko that had carried me to the second cage I was put in the day before. He was curled up covered in bruises and almost unrecognizable. I quickly opened the cage and tried to gently pull him out. He hissed in pain and Josh came over to help. As soon as we had him wrapped in a blanket on the floor I began to talk to him.

"How did this happen."

He coughed before weakly saying, "After you and Mr. Zerker left yesterday my boss got mad and told me that it was all my fault and then he did this to me..." about halfway through his explanation tears began to roll down his cheeks so i got up and sat next to him before wrapping him in a long overdue hug.

He rested his head on my shoulder as he calmed down.

"What's your name?" I asked softly.

"Simon," he replied quietly.

I gave him one last light squeeze before getting up to find Josh. I found him back near the first cage talking to Luna. He spotted me and motioned for me to follow him outside.

"Vikk thank you so much for helping me in there today. I have no idea how you managed to calm them all down and remain calm even though you knew all of the pain they felt. Just know that none of them will ever be treated like that again. Also I have one more thing to tell you."

I looked at him quizzically and wondered what he meant.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to have Luna and Simon come stay with us, because out of all of them you seemed to connect most....oof" he didn't get to finish his sentence before I'd flung myself at him repeatedly saying yes. 

I looked up and him and he looked down at me and suddenly I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. I was shocked to say the least but responded almost immediately. We pulled away and I looked up at Josh dazed from what had just happened.

"Vikk I know that we've only known each other for two days but I couldn't imagine life without my little star so will you please do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

He looked so worried that I would say no, but i giggled and nodded my head in response. His eyes lit up and he pecked my cheek before we headed back inside to tell Luna and Simon that they would be living with Josh and I.

~time skip to when the 4 arrive home~

We walked through the doors and Luna and Simon gasped. I looked over to see their eyes filled with wonder and their mouths open in amazement. I thought to myself 'huh that must've been what I looked like yesterday'. I gave them a brief tour still not fully knowing my way around the mansion.

At dinner Luna and Simon both kept thanking Josh for letting them stay with us. He told them it wasn't a big deal and that when and if they ever moved out they would always welcome here. They both teared up at this and got up to give Josh a hug, it was like he was father figure to them hehe 'daddy zerk'. (A/N i had to...) I giggled at my thought before lacing my fingers with Josh's.

I smile lightly at our little 'family' and couldn't help but think "I've got to be the luckiest neko alive".

A/N sorry for the crappy ending but i didn't really know how to end it. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed. I'll see chu peeps again soon <3333

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