You Jump...I Jump Too...

323 11 0

Ship: JoshxRob

Rob's pov-

It was almost three a.m. and I was restless. I had drank three cups of coffee to keep me awake while I recorded and was now too awake to sleep. So I decided to go to the roof to watch the city lights until I got tired. As I approached the rooftop door I heard sniffling.

I turned my head so that my ear was pressed against the door and as I did I could hear what sounded like someone mumbling to them self.

"Just do it and all the pain will be gone."

"No one will miss you anyways."

"You're just a waste of air."

My eyes widened and I slowly cracked the door open to see a man who looked about 23 sitting on the edge of the roof. I pushed the door all of the way open and his head whipped around. He looked at me with fear in his eyes and tears rushing down his thin pale face.

He began scooting closer to the edge and I immediately rush over to him hugging him from behind.The man starts trying to wriggle out of my grasp but I let go before he gets out on his own. I sit down next to him and gently grab his wrist. Looking him dead in the eyes I tell him, "If you jump, I jump too."

His eyes widen at my statement and he starts speaking rapidly.

"Y-you can't do that! You have so much life left to live, for people t-to love you." He whispers the last part.

"So do you."

"No I don't. No one will care if I live or die. I have no one." I move my hand from his wrist to his hand and lace our fingers together. His breath hitches and his tear-filled brown eyes brighten slightly.

"That's not true. You have me now," I say smiling gently.

He smiles weakly, "What's your name?"

"Rob what's yours?"


"Well it's nice to meet you Josh," I reply lightly.

He nods softly before yawning. I laugh lightly and begin to stand up still with a firm grasp of Josh's hand. We slowly back away from the edge and head inside. Once we were inside I was crushed with a hug from Josh who had started silently sobbing into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his thin frame and drew patterns on his back until his sobs resided to hiccups and he was able to look up at me.

"T-thank you for caring," he says trying not to stutter. I smile at him and we walk to my apartment.

"I should get back to my apartment," he says looking at his feet.

"No way! What kind of friend would I be if I made you go home after tonight! You're stuck with me Joshy!"

He giggles at the nickname and we walk into my small living room. I motion for him to follow me as I go to the bedroom to get us pyjamas. I pull out two pairs of joggers and two black t-shirts for us and tell Josh he can use my bathroom to get ready.

I finish getting ready before Josh and climb into bed for some much needed rest. I hear Josh walk out of the bathroom a few minutes later and I sit up to see him looking around.

"What are you doing over there?" I say tilting my head to the side.

He looks down and I laugh patting the bed next to me. Slowly he walks across the room and lays on the other side of the bed. He mumbles a small thank-you before falling asleep.

~time skip to morning~

I yawn softly and begin to sit up only to be stopped by an arm. I look down to see Josh curled up next to me with his arm slung across my waist. Smiling I run my fingers through his hair waiting for him to wake up. He starts to move and eventually opens his tired eyes. Realizing where he is he blushes and moves away I frown and pull him back. At this point his face looked like a beet and I laugh softly before resting my chin on top of his head and placing a gentle kiss to his temple.

He looks up at me his chocolate brown eyes sparkling with joy. I smile widely down at him and hug him tightly.


I hummed in response.

"um do y-you maybe want t-to get c-coffee sometime."

I giggle, "Sure."

He smiles and I lean down to peck him in the cheek before climbing out of bed to make breakfast with Josh trailing behind.

I'm so glad I drank those three cups of coffee...

A/N Sorry it's short but I'm really busy with school at the moment, but I will try to have one or two more out by the end of the week.

Love chu peeps byeee <3333

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