Chapter I: Healing Phoenix

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Life is beautiful, this was what Alois' s mother always tell him from time to time when he was just a hatchling. And just like his mother he always find beauty at everything he sees -like the way the flowers blooms, the way the cloud parted at the sky and the way the air felt against his soft skin.

He would always be at the nymphs side when they would start to color the clouds everyday. It still amazes him how this tiny like fairy can color the clouds with different hues. This is the first realm. The realm where all mythical creatures lives.

It is said that the dragon king made the place inorder to protect those who wants to live away from war and destruction. He made a powerful barrier that burns anything or anyone who's unwelcome. Thus, making it the safest place to stay.

One of the creatures that sought that kind protection was the phoenix. They were at brink of extinction for they were killed for their powers and for their tears. It is said that the tears can cure any ailments and c an give immortality as well. Thus putting their lives in danger.

Alois sighed. He and he's brother was the only blood related phoenix and they were also the last pure blooded one. The others were either mix of pixie or nymphs.

Alois can still remember the agony his parents convey as they scream for them to run.

He still remembered how the demons and human worked together to gain the upper hand against them.

Alois clutch his black robe. Those were one of the painful memories he and his brother had kept to themselves. He can never understand the need for power. Their kind never used their abilities for selfish reasons that is why he can never tell that he knows the satisfaction those greedy creatures must have felt.

Alois looked up the sky and noticed that it was already dark. The nymphs were starting to head for their work was done.

Alois grumbled his brother would never like the things he love. His brother's concern is their safety. And he knows that whatever his brother decides to do he will always be beside him.

His musing was interrupted when a group of centaurs came at the clearing. Some were injured and some were just exhausted. Alois immediately walk towards the group. Phoenix has the ability to heal. He made his way towards them. As he approaches them he noticed how the centaurs heaved a sigh of relief making him smile.

"Mi'lord, please help my people."

" Lie down for a bit. If you keep moving like that the poison will spread fast." Alois chastised. Making all the centaurs seat at the green grass under their feet. Alois lowered himself until he was face to face with the largest one. " You talk about their safety when you were the one in the most critical condition. The poison is spreading fast enough to kill you within the next 2 min."

The centaur gasped as Alois hand reached for his forehead. The healers hand was like a satin silk against his skin, making him sigh with satisfaction. The centaur look at Alois before gradually speaking " Mi'lord, my name is lufus. Leader of this group." The centaur lowered his head- a great sign of respect.

Alois smiled "I am Alois." he muttered. The centaur nod. Alois poured his healing magic as he concentrate to work. Not long after, the centaur felt his body become warm. But he almost collapse when he felt the pain. It was like something was twisting inside his veins. He gasped and heaved as he puked all the poison. He blinked a few times ad he lowered his gaze towards the ground where a puddle of black blood lies. His body lose all the tension he was feeling earlier. The centaur stared at the man as his brow furrowed in concentration. The healers robe covered his face a minute a go but right now he can fully see his face for they were face to face making him noticed the healers perfect shaped nose and plump lips. His face the shaped of heart matches his beauty. His silver hair was long enough for the centaur to catch a glimpse, But what lufus hadn't expected was when the healers eyes opened. Looking back at him is a pair of golden eyes with silver speck that swirled inside the orbs making him gasp.

" Your a phoenix!" The centaur exclaimed. But the healer just chuckled before saying " That I am."

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