Chapter XXXII: Spilling Over

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           My ears rung still from my own screaming, my throat dry and raw, my eyes bloodshot red, and my skin were almost translucent because of the lack of sleep. I'm not quite sure how I ended up lying here on my bed; I couldn't care about those trivial matters right now. I didn't eat nor drink water since her death, how could I? I felt numb, empty, like a blank canvass with no purpose. I don't even have the will to clean myself and change my clothes. This hollow feeling is driving me crazy making me want to slumber, yet sleeping terrified me more. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was her lifeless body, her beautiful blue eyes no longer vibrant and full of life, her bleeding chest as she lay there at the ground. How can I close my eyes when all I see was the repetitions of the scenes of her death? And her hopeful gaze, expecting me to save her. But what did I do? I failed her.

       Another sob wreck my still body. My chest ache as the scene replayed at the back of my mind over and over again. My body trembled and shook violently as I cry my heart out, my tears never stopped flowing. I curled myself into a tight ball, willing the pain to go away, praying that it will lessen this numbness. Willing myself to forget, yet at the same time I knew I can't. My heart is burning as my limbs ache. How did I ever let that happen? Another tear fell, but I didn't bother wiping it. I just let myself drown in my own misery. Brian tried to talk to me; he tried to assure me that it wasn't my fault and that it was his all along. HE couldn't help his own sister because his weak.... But he's a human; human has no power, no speed, no monster-like strength, and no fast healing. He can't summon anything, he's just a child the same as her. And here I am, a phoenix, a supernatural, yet still I can't help her. Then what does it makes me? I'm useless yet I here I am promising them both that I'll protect them. I laughed dryly making me wince at my sore throat.

"Alois, please open the door. Let's talk. I know you're hurting, and I know how you feel. Just talk to me, will you? I'm still right here" Brian's voice drift towards my ear at the other side of the door. I heard his voice tremble and I know he's crying as he sniffled audibly. A pang of guilt hit me yet I made no attempt to let him in, I'm not ready to face him yet. I can't look him in the eye because I couldn't save her. Then I heard Vienne, telling Brian that I just need space and time, I sighed as I heard them walk away but I made no attempt to call for them. Good riddance for now, I just can't. Because, I know it's not what I needed the most. I want revenge and I want it now.

Maybe if I kill the bastard who hurt her, the pain will lessen, the anger will melt, and this numbness will go away. That's it! All I need to do is end his pathetic life. I will kill him myself and burn his rotten flesh, burn him, until his soul loses its chance to be reborn. I'll make him suffer the way my kin suffer! I shut my eyes close; I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before opening it once again. My body shook with anticipation for the hunt I will surely enjoy like no other. I want to see the pure horror in the bastards' eyes when I ripped his heart out. With that in mind, my body slowly relaxed, my breathing become normal, my heart beats calmly inside my chest. I blink as I felt my senses sharpened, I knew my eyes were glowing eerily, but I didn't dwell on it any further. I felt light and free; my body's tension slowly vanished as I rolled my shoulder and stretched my limbs. I sat up and lowered my feet at the carpet, feeling the softness beneath my feet. I stood up and made my way to my closet and I pulled my black jeans and black tank top before grabbing one of my boxers. Then I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower, brush my teeth and put on the clothes I picked earlier. I pulled my hair into a phony and watch myself in front of the mirror. I stared blankly at the man in front of me. The man in front of me is nothing like I used to be. My silver orbs no longer vibrant, dark bags lies under eyes, my face pale the same as my lips. My eyes held no emotion, just blank and empty. I look dull but I didn't care.

I left the bathroom and made my way towards the shoe racks, and grabbed my black combat boots and put it on. Then I made my way out of the room, out of the pack house. I didn't even bother covering my scent, it's like I was moving automatically, and maybe I was, but it didn't bother me. I just wanted to end it fast. I continued walking until I was nearing the large gate of the pack grounds. I didn't bother taking a glance around me, everything was a blur, and nothing matters to me. I didn't even notice the wolves bustling around like disturbed bees in their hive. I was on autopilot, and I didn't know whether to like it or not. It was like I was watching on the sideline as my body move on its own.

The gate was still open and the barrier was still being cast again that's why it's not strong enough to hold me in, it makes it easier for me to escape the den.

I didn't even realize where I was going; I just walk and walk without direction, yet in every step I took. It felt like I was nearing the man whom I wanted to murder. I took a deep breath after minutes of walking, my eyes scanned my surrounding, checking in any possible danger I may encounter. I sniff the air until I caught the familiar scent of the necromancer, my lips turned upwards at the thought of the nearing battle, excitement bubbled inside my chest making me grin. "Found you at last! We will have so much fun. Surely, I'll enjoy tearing you apart until you beg me to stop. Ah, it makes me so elated just by imagining it happening, and it will not be that long until we MEET again."

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