Chapter ix: On the run

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It's been five days. Five days of running. Not even once we've rest. We're quite tired. Brian, Macy and I continued our journey. Journey not for fun but for our safety. The demons were roaming around tracking us down and I'm not quite sure how long i can hold on. My body began to weaken because of my disguise. My power is almost at my limit. I knew it wouldn't be long before they realize that I am a Phoenix. My scent is potent that's why it takes all of my power just to conceal myself. And I'm pretty sure they'll capture me no matter where I go.
But that is not the reason why I'm running. I do not care if they capture me, all that matters is this two kid. Yes. My brother will probably scold me and tell me how pitiful I've become but I know for sure- mother will never abandon helpless children behind.

That's why I'll take them somewhere safe. Maybe if I beg for my brother to help us. He'll come around and let the children stay.

For now i have to keep them alive.

"Allie, we're out of provision. Macy is tired now. I think we should rest." Brian said lifting the knapsack at his left hand. He then nodded his gaze to his little sister who was now panting as she kept her pace behind as. She's trying to keep up. Her demeanor is no longer of that child I knew once. She rarely smiles now. Her eyes no longer vibrant. Her posture speaks defeat. That day the war begun, I grabbed the two and runaway. I know I have to help their parents but I also know that if I go and save them it will be our death as well. The demons were all over the place, the houses was burnt and even their home was not spared. I grabbed canned foods and mineral bottles to last as for day. Then we started our journey. The two was shattered, I even thought that they'll never recover. But now I know they're stronger than that. Stronger than me.

"Allie, let's rest." Brian cut my musings. I can't help but feel the sadness they're feeling right now. The thought made my heart heaved and my throat went dry. I can't speak- I can only nod. Brian stared at me. I waited for what was about to come. Maybe he'll tell me how useless I am. How coward I am. Unable to save their parents. I readied my heart as I kept my gaze at his. But instead of harsh words I never expected the least that the both of them will come hugging me. Macy wrapped her arms at my waist were she can reach while Brian is hugging me behind my back. "Thank you" they both said in unison.

That's all it takes- my body relaxed as I wrapped my arms around them. God protect us. Thank you for letting me have this two. I'll protect them. I promise by the name of the house of the Phoenix.

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