Chapter V: Sleeping Dragon

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Far from the realm, the earth, and the heavens and underworld- lives the majestic Dragon king.

It is a place where all the realms met making it the most important altar a Deity can be put in to live. It is a place full of laughter.
Flowers dancing and laughing, swaying with the music the cherub angels create. The animals roared as they sing accompanied by the harps the fairies played. It's a night of celebration... but everyone knows it's always was. The paradise has two moons that lit the night, As well as the six stars surrounding the moon giving its support to lighten the mood. Howls can be heard as the lycans do their rituals.

All of the creatures is awaiting for their king to descend. The king promised he'll attend the feast that's why they patiently wait.

Night becomes morning,  as the sun yawns and greeted the sleeping horde splayed across the grassy field.  One by one, the creatures awakens only to find out that the king had not shown himself. The thought saddened the creatures. 

The commotion was abruptly interrupted by another commotion,  the flowers swayed to see what was happening.  The lycans rushed towards the clearing where the gathering was. The cherub floated around as well as the fairies to have a better view.

The crowd gasped, no one dared to speak. Their eyes remained to their King. Their beloved King, splayed at the magical bed floating.

His royal friend and right hand man Ashven,  standing beside their King, looking guilty.

The crowds questioning glare focused solely at the man who was entrusted to protect their King. No one speak nor ask, they were all waiting to the further explanation the black raven can offer. But the man do not know how to tell them what really happened. 

Finally,  the Queen of the fairies snapped. Her golden hair bounced as she walk towards the King. Her jade eyes focused at the man they all dearly love.

The King was wearing a simple white sleeve paired with his white pants and golden boots she recognised as her gift to him. His sun-kissed skin was now pale but still flawless.  His face looks like he's in pain. His breathing coming from his slightly parted lips was shallow that if she hadn't listened well she might think he was dead.  He's nose slightly crinkled as he heaved another breath.
The Queen do not feel any magic yet she knows that this illness came from malice.She reached out at his silky red hair and gently caresses him. Her touch soft and velvety like those touch a mother may offer to her child yet the man never stirred.  The Queen looked at the people who was with the Dragon's palace. They were all such powerful creatures yet none had stopped it from happening.

"Tell me. Black raven Ashven,  who did this and how." The Queen hissed, her jade eyes changed to those of scarlet red. Her teeth grew fangs as she bared for the man to see.
"Look at him!" She growled, her features no longer angelic, replaced with fierce one. "He's in pain! Who!" The men behind Ashven trembled for they all knew what the queen can do but Ashven never even blinked nor bat his eyes, he continued to stare at the woman his King loved dearly like a mother. He sighed as he drag his hand and caressed his own hair. Then he knelt in front of her and bowed his head before uttering the dreaded words he wanted to keep yo himself.....

"It was his brother,God of love, Lord Marcus, mi'queen."

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