huChapter XV: electric blue hues

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Darkness... I'm surrounded by nothing but darkness- am I dead. ? 

No ..not yet. I havent found alois Yet.  I hear hush voices....but I only care about one voice- the voice was calming- cold yet warm. HAH!  Quite confusing, but that's what I feel.

Hmm. There it was again, that angelic husky voice that can surely melt ice... yet the way he was speaking is quite cold and emotionless.

I want to see.

"Have you check the remaining survivors?.. "

I want to know who owns that voice....

"Yes, sire. Luckily, the gate was never opened. The demons entered the realm when the barrier broke. They tried to break the gate but couldn't that's why they ended up entering at the cracks from the ceiling"


"I see. Casualties?. "

"32, sire. 25 nymphs. 5 pixie and 2  centaur.... It seems that the Guardian of the gate was spared as well after witnessing the-"

" take him to my office, I shall ask him some...things.....inform me regarding the demons movement. The barrier I made won't last long.... stand guard."

"Yes, sire...I shall get going then."

Please.. speak more.. I want to hear your voice. .. Please. .

" I see...Your awake." The husky voice said...wait...Awake.? What happe- the barrier!!! The demons....!

Then I remember it all.
The memories of the eventful night unfold in my mind like a film played over and over again..The way my haunted past played over and over again.

The Impending headache is now knocking at my skull full force... I clutched my head.. As I curled my body. Feeling the pain of loosing someone... loosing someone!

Yes. I remembered now! Those lowlife tried to steal life again! The way they stole the life of my people- my parents..

My body shook from anger... my emotions going on haywire. .. I want to kill. I want to kill them badly.. I want to bath with their blood as I kill each one of them.. torture them and make them suffer!!! Suffer the way my people did..The way my brother did! Brother!!!!

The thought of my brother made my eyes snapped open- hurting my eyes at the sudden assault of light- I gasped as the headache intensified. ...geez!  It felt like I was smashed against a concrete head is pounding ... yet I could care less. I want to go where my brother is. I promised! ! I promised them..

I tried to get up.. but a pair of large hands grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from going any further...The warmth seeped through my flesh making me shudder. He's scent assaulted my nose, smelt off rain and strawberries.  He smells good. Yes.. I would payed mind to those things.. If wasn't hellbent on finding my brother.

I can't stray now. My priority has never changed.  That's why who's this man to stop me.

I raised my head defiantly. ...

Yes indeed I am a stubborn fool... nothing has change.. but it's the way I am.  And I won't change.

I was about to reprimand the pest of a man to let me go... yet what my eyes met made me stopped my tracks...

"Are you calm now." The man ask as I gaped at him shamelessly.

I was met with the familiar electric blue eyes.. those eyes.. cold yet warm

Geez! How can a man be so beautiful. ?

The man was quite big.. much larger than my 6'2 frame. He had broad shoulders and wide chest. He's skin as white as a fresh fallen snow. His lips as red as the petals of red roses. His hair black as the night. His beautiful eyes framed by thick lashes with dark brows that made him more mysterious.  His nose a little bit pointy yet it perfectly match his features. He had a sharp jaw and high cheekbones that empowered his dangerous aura.

He's powerful. Powerful enough to rival myself..nah.. maybe much powerful than me.

Ahh. . What would it feels like embracing him...snuggling to that chest of his..  kiss those red li- huh?

What the!!!! I am ogling someone ! Not just ogling but fantasizing! Not just someone... but a guy at that!!!

My eyes widened at the realization. . My body stiffened and I tried to move away from the man with those beautiful electric blue hues. But the man roughly grabbed my wrist and pinned me down... His body forcefully pushing me against the soft bed..

Fuck! !! your taming me huh.?!

Fuck you!!

Yes.. I am a stubborn fool and I won't back down from a challenge. . I am far from being submissive unlike Alois. . I am the Phoenix representing war. I Do not abide to anyone else..

I lift my left leg forcefully against his side! The impact made him loosened his tight grip off of my hands- I took it as a chance  and tried to hit his face! But the arrogant bastard blocked it with his large ones..engulfing my smaller hands..

My body felt hot.. The rush of adrenaline made my heart pump against my chest painfully. 

Now I was rendered useless for all my body lose its will to fight because of exhaustion.

I grumbled against my breath while he just chuckled making me more riled up.

" calm down, little dove. I won't hurt you." The man whispered looking directly at me. He's eyes...ghad!

" so pretty..." holy shot. Did I just said it out loud. ?!!!

"Yes.. Little dove..Thank you." He chuckled making my face heat up.

He lifted his hand and softly caressed my face.. The simple gesture made my heart beats wild yet I won't admit I like it. I just stared at him.

"My name is Yura, little dove." He smiled fondly at me..leaving me speechless. "Nice to finally meet you." With that he lowered his head and kissed my lip.

I think I'm gonna puke!

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