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Minutes before the start of thr raging war.....

Aserez stared as another portal opened beside them, not much of a surprise that he saw Ashven leading his clan towards the battlefield. He then came over us after his small talk with his clan.

Yura acknowledge his presence by nodding slightly. Ashven took a glance at me before bowing slightly as well. He then proceeded to tell Yura the battle plan his Lord has created. Ashven proceeded to say that they weren't expected to follow the plan but rather just not get on his Lords way. It was insulting for Aserez but seeing Yura calmly nod and dismissed his hand, Aserez knew something is wrong. Yura never allowed anyone to rule over him. He wasnt fond of following anyones order. He hates it when someone bosses him around. So it was quite a surprise for Aserez.

Aserez took a breath as Ashven and Yura talk about whatever it was they have to talk about. Aserez hates it when he wasn't included but he wouldn't show it. He wouldn't allow it. Must be his pride but either way he wasn't gonna show Yura the satisfaction of seeing him upset just because of a simple matter.

Aserez met Ashven when Yura visited the so called paradise. The place was quite a sight but it was silent as if the whole realm was mourning. The Kingdom was depressed and just by looking at it makes Aserez sigh. They never met the so called king and of course he wasn't allowed to see Him. Only Yura was allowed to inside the chamber. Yura never told the story of the King residing at that realm, and that fact made Aserez glare at at the man during the entire visit. It's not like he'll try anything or he'll tell someone about it. He's just curios at the man who has the power to create such a place.

Aserez took a glance around him but made no attempt to move. He just stared.
Aserez hated the demons and necromancer with all his heart but he wasn't quite sure why he's about to partake on the war. Yura told him that he wasn't going to join but he shut him up by saying that it may be a place where he'll met Alois. And Yura wasn't too happy but made no comment about it. So Aserez just let him be .

Aserez stared at the right flank and took in the appearance of a man walking towards them. The man is quite large. His midnight black hair is cut short. His honey brown eyes glowed eerily as he scanned all the vampires behind Yura.He immediately scrunch his nose as he was breath away from them. He grumbled to himself as he smelled the sickly sweet scent of the bloodsucker before him. Vampires and wolves never been a great ally. And the man thought it would stayed that way up till now.

The man was about to speak when he noticed the man beside Yura. The man is large as well but much smaller compared to him and Yura, but still he wouldn't mistake the uncanny resemblance of the man who's in front of him to the man his mate was looking ever since he's gone missing. No doubt they're related. The man thought to himself as he stared openly at the man with golden hair and silver eyes. The man was quite fascinated as he realized how Alois and the man look alike yet different at the same time.

Aserez grew uncomfortable at the blatant staring of the wolf. He's quite sure he's the alpha of the pack. But he wasn't quite sure why the man's staring at him like that.

The man's staring was rudely interrupted by a very possessive growl coming from Yura. Aserez can't help but feel annoyed instead- he was no damsel in distress and surely he doesn't need anyone hovering over him like a mother hen. He can take care of himself. Aserez grumbled to himself as he realized that the staring contest wouldn't end if he doesn't say anything so he raised his gaze towards the wolf who immediately regard him with interest. "What?"

"My name's Vienne. I'm sorry for the late introduction." Vienne stated. But made no move to shake hands which Aserez was thankful for, coz he wasn't fond of touching either. So he just glared at the man who called himself vienne..

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