Chapter XXIX: intentions

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Opening my eyes, I was met with the familiar icy blue eyes of my maker- I grumbled incoherently as he lowered himself further and grabbed my wrist.

"You lost him. Aren't you? Rowant." He stated matter of factly making me winced at his cold voice. There's no hint of disappointment yet i felt like dying as those words pierced through my ears.


I was awakened out of my stupor, I blink as l stared at him-he reached for his back and pulled a black dagger. The dagger has gold and silver intricate pattern to it. At the end of the dagger is a red chain with another dagger much smaller to the one he's holding. "Here. You'll catch them with this. Use it. Those dangling chains will bind them... it's a sealed chain made to lessen the ability of the necromancer. Don't lose it. I just borrow this from a friend."

After saying this Lord Yura abruptly stood and was about to leave. My mind reeled at the fact that I lost my target and my sire is right here and giving me a chance to redeem myself.

My hands reached his- this action may be a show of insolence but I have to tell him what I've learned. It may not be that important but I still felt the need to share what I've heard when I was about to lose my consciousness.

Lord Yura stopped and stared at me. His cold icy blue eyes trained at my face. I lowered my gaze and pulled my hands from his. He raised a brow questioningly. I gulped at that- "Sire, I seemed to have found out what they were after. The tomb is not just what they want. The tomb is just a part of a plan."

Lord Yura looked intrigued as he listened to what I have to say...and talk is all I did.


Rowant moved fast and dodge the ball of fire. It's much larger than the first one he threw towards him earlier.

Necromancer are known to be the connection between the living and the dead. It was written at an old book called dark histoire, that they maintain the boundaries of the spirits and the living. It was said that the necromancers were created by Phoebe, goddess of demons. She created them to balance the dimensions.

They were known for their powerful spells and enchantments. They use elements and They can also summon the demons and reanimate the dead. They also took life as their food. They zapped the others essence and live out of it without remorse. Why would they be? Humans never felt sorry eating pigs. Vampires never feel sorry for drinking blood.

Rowant pointed his gun and pulled the trigger- the silver bullet grazing the man at his left thigh making him hiss. The man is too slow to fight him on a one on one battle. He relies at his spell too much making it easier for Rowant to retaliate.

The man then chanted something unfamiliar- this one seems different from the spells he chanted earlier, Rowant took his defensive stance. He watched the man lowered the book to the ground. He thought the man was about to give up- yet what he hadn't expected Is the binding spells created below his feet. Rowant grunted as he felt his muscles hardened. His limbs started to become numb. He tried to move his body but it was like he was stuck and unable to move. The man then stopped chanting as the book lifted to the ground. The pages then tore from the book on its own, it floated as it glow unnaturally. The man's eyes glowed eerily as he chanted another spell. Rowant then felt his limbs started to hardened more. Rowant pulled the trigger again- this time the bullet tore through his left shoulder. The man gasped yet made no attempt to stop chanting. As the man chant..Rowant felt his dead heart constrict making him gasped and sputtered. He wheezed as he inhaled for the much needed air.

Dammit! Am I going to die ?
How ironic. I'm already dead anyway.- Rowant thought to himself as his vision darkened. He's losing his consciousness yet his mind reeled at the silent promise he made when he ask his sire to be a vampire- the thought made him more weak. The disappointed looked his sire will give him.

He was about to accept the impending death but the blinding light saved him to the situation he's currently facing.

-the sky flamed red.
as a red light scattered, the man abruptly stopped his chanting making the spell loosened it's hold in Rowant's body.

the fight left his body the moment the man stopped the beating of his dead heart. It's truly painful. It's been a long time since he experienced that kind of pain. The moment the spell is broken- Rowant collapsed to the ground with a thud. His breathing comes fast the same as his heart.

Through his blurry gaze Rowant saw a circle appear from the man's feet. Then a mirror emerged in front of him. The man started talking as if he was having a conversation with someone. He almost thought that the man has a seriously loose screw in the head but a voice spoke from the mirror itself.
"It seems Ulka found it. We need to rendezvous with him. The tomb is sealed just as what Lord Marco told us.."

The man beamed at the news yet made no attempt to move. The voice then continued speaking "it's just a matter of time. The moment where our mother will awaken to summon the God of Chaos. The moment he'll descend Is the moment we will be free. The moment we will no longer bound. Lord Marcus promised us. AND HE PROMISED US. Love. Just a little bit. We will make It happen. You and I." The voice spoke.

With the news being said, Rowant tried to reached for his gun lying a few inches away from his trembling hands, thinking that at least one, the seal won't be opened and the tomb can't be taken. But his hope was crushed when the man looked down at him and chanted another spell.
This time.. It's a ball of light. The light float in front of him and exploded right in front of his stomach- the force of the impact sent him away from the ground only to be thrown to the large tree making him lose the last consciousness he was holding to.

He then watched the man leave and closed his eyes as the darkness finally consumed him.

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