Chapter XI: Bad dreams

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"Son, promise me. You'll always protect your baby brother. That You'll always look after him" 
A soft velvety voice caressed my ears. I look up at the beautiful woman currently knitting. Her golden hair in a braid.  Her electric blue eyes framed with dark lashes ,filled with  happiness and contentment.  Her heart shaped face is flawless. She had a perfect nose and luscious red lips. She's smiling as she continued knitting.  She told me that she's making hand gloves for my little brother but I just scrunch my nose I, never wanted any brother. I prefer me being her only son. Not another one. So I scowled at her showing my displeasure.
She stopped what she's doing as she felt my hard gaze. Her slender hands reach for my small ones. I am still a kid. A kid that never grows up in his mother and father's eyes.
"Son, you know we love you deeply.  And no matter what we'll always love you. Worry not my child because love does not lessen, it just grow." My mom said softly. I stared at her. Then at her protruding belly. It's quite large and round.  Father says that I came from egg. Phoenix are classified as part of  bird race, that's why they do not deliver normal babies like humans do.

I smiled. I want to see the egg! I exclaimed rather excitedly in my mind.

Then, the image changed.  I'm already 10 years old.  And my brother is already a hatchling.  We were playing at the front house  when a deafening explosion occurred . Even though  My ears are ringing,  I stood up and grabbed my brothers hands. He's crying now, he's trembling. But I don't have time to comfort him. I pulled him towards our home and make our way to our room and hid him under the bed, I do not really know what is happening but my instincts kept on telling me we're both in danger. I was about to hide as well when the door burst opened.  I'm scared yet I cannot move on my spot. Then the person walk in and I sigh in relief. It was  mother. She looks worried, her gaze darts across the room until it landed on mine. She sigh on relief as well. My brother crawled out of the bed and run towards her awaiting arms. Mother carried my brother and walk towards me. Her teary eyes made my stomach clenched.  She handed my brother to me and guide me towards the bookshelves.  She pulled the blue book and pushed another red one. My eyes widened as the shelves slowly slides and revealed a secret passage.  I shift my questioning gaze  at her but she never even gave me and my brother a quick glance. Then she walked out of the room in a hurry.  I was about to follow when I heard something or rather someone:"this is the last house, sire. The others were taken care of . The demons took upon themselves the decision of burning the other houses. Some escaped but the majority is dead." That voice- demon?! What is happening? How? Why?
I lowered my brother and begun to head towards the door, but two tiny hands grabbed my wrist.  Alois is shaking his head,  silently begging me not to. I held his hand with my own,then we both took a step.  Every step felt like forever.  I gulped silently my eyes widening. Step by step we made it to the place where loud noises were coming from. And the sight met our eyes made my stomach sick., the scene unfold before us, a horrifying image that will surely stock on our heads- there lies dead bodies.  Pools of red goo and scattered limbs were everywhere.  And standing at the middle of our lawn is our dying father. His large form was being held by our mother. Their Clothes Soak with the bloods of the demons and human. Then as if sensing our gaze, mother stared at us. Her eyes widened with terror. Then everything happened so fast,  mother stood and killed all creatures taking advanced steps towards me and my brother. Then it happened, mother screamed her high pitch voice affecting all around us yet strange enough it does not hurt me nor my brother.
"Run! !! Protect your brother always, remember- we'll always love you.  My Phoenix spirit dashed. Using my body- I felt like I was dislodge- separated from my own physical form.  The Back of my head I kept on screaming.  Wanting to go back but the entity within me prevents me from doing so. It's like I was set autopilot.

We continued running.  My brother's grip tightened making me look at him. His eyes rimmed red. He's panting as we ran, but he never once stopped.

" everything will be okay,  Alois.  I promise" although I knew such words were far from the truth but the eager nod Alois made, makes my heart believe the words I muttered.

So please, baby brother, do not cry. I'll chase those bad dreams away.

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