Chapter XX: fight to death

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How did I end up being  hauled off of my feet by this brute of a man is a question I do not want to think of. I just blankly stared as he ran towards the invisible barrier with me on his back. I felt safe with him as I if I knew by heart that he'll never hurt me. It's funny how so much trust I placed upon him when it almost took a week for me to trust Alois. I never  thought that I'll feel this way to a complete stranger. More so, a wolf at that.

Yeah... It truly is a mystery to me.

"Punk. Don't die on me.!" He whispered yelled as he continued running. My harsh breathing can be heard, my body ache painfully as my shoulder throbbed because of the large wound located on it; bleeding at this moment. But I couldn't care less about it.  I just felt exhausted beyond belief and I really want to sleep. My eyelids felt heavy; willing me to close my eyes and put myself to deep slumber.

I thought I was going to die... yep. I definitely thought that I'd be dead. Although I'm not quite sure if I'll survive in this condition.  How did I end up bleeding..


The man took upon himself to protect me as his companions faced the other demons. Growling as they circled  to each other.


I can't do anything right now. I'm profusely sweating and I'm fucking scared to even lift my hands holding the knife. So I just stood there  gaping at the beasts fighting the monsters. While the wolf man growled at the demon he's currently facing, only then that  I realized that the demon intended on attacking me,

But as cliche as it is.  It's like one of the horror movies I watched, where the protagonist froze unable to move. It's like I was separated from my body. And I was floating around just watching the scene unfold before my eyes.

So what did I do?


The only thing that snapped me out of my reverie is the guttural sound coming from the demon as it growled  and hissed at me fanning my face with its horrible breath that I almost gagged. I took a step back.  It launched at me full me full speed making my body tremble with fear..

What am I doing.? Can't even lift my legs. It won't move at all.! I want to cry as my fear enveloped me like a thin plastic cover- making my breath become harsher every minute.

"BROTHER!!!! WATCH OUT!" Macy screamed at me frantically. She was horrified as she saw the large demon took its leap towards me. But who wouldn't be? I sure as hell felt worse at this moment.
However that scream made the demon lose its focus its attention making its movement slowed a little. Yeah. Even so, I still took it as a chance to win the fight for life and death.  I moved forward, in every step I took I made sure my knife is pointing towards the monster. I slammed myself against it. The Force made the demon stumble while I slammed my left hand, holding the knife, and jabbed it against its skull. It screeched and screeched as it slowly disintegrate and turn into a puddle of goo. Dark fluid remains at the forests floor making me scrunched up my nose. Yuck!

Me being me lowered my guard and never realized another demon was hiding behind us. The beast can't help me. For they were currently fighting off the demons reinforcement.

A scream filled  agony tore through the silence of the forest as one of the demons bit my shoulder and tried to tear it away from my body. A pain I've never felt before cut through me worse than the knife I was holding. I felt my eyes watered but I can't do anything about it. All the cells in my body screamed like there's nothing left fighting for.

My mind is in daze yet I refused to give up. My body was about to give in yet I still strive to survive.  I can't die. Not like this.

My eyes wandered at my surrounding.  I lost my focus of sight as my consciousness was about to slip. My eyes caught Macy as she was hugging Alois, protecting him with all her might. Then I found my gaze looking for the wolf man. Through my hazy gaze, I saw how the man shred the monsters out of rage. His form no longer that of a human, neither that of a wolf. THIS form is much more terrifying,  but for some reason I don't feel any fear. Instead I felt relieved as he decapitated the demons one by one . I watched as he growled menacingly.  He stood there at the middle, howling. His body is that of a man and a wolf. A werewolf. Then his eyes landed on mine. His eyes held fury. I know I'm not the receiving end of that kind of anger that's why i didn't fret over it. He then moved so fast he's almost a blur, the next thing I knew he was in front of the demon who forcefully pulled it's elongated teeth in my flesh making me groan.


The Wolf man grabbed the demon and tore its limbs. One by one he rip its body like he was ripping some paper not a living being. I wanted to stop him but I can't even speak.

The demon screeched as the wolf man jabbed its chest and tore out its heart.

Ending the fight at last.  The Wolf man gently lifted me and carried me at its back while I'm losing my consciousness every second.

"Please just a little bit longer... just hang in there a little bit longer. I'll take you to our pack doctor.. I'm sure he'll fix you" he  uttered with a panic on his voice. I wanted to ease up his mind and assure him that I'll be fine but I am not sure how it'll end.. so I ended up muttering some nonsense instead... " can't you see.. I'm already your back... make haste I might die if I fell....."

That made him laughed. So I just smiled and closed my eyes. That's it.. that's what it was suppose to be.

"Don't worry punk.. I'll always be there to catch you. I'll always be with you." be continued. ...

I'm sorry about my late update.. and I'm sorry if it's boring. Heh. I'm not fond of thinking too hard so when I have an idea I just directly create it and then I'll  publish after . I do not keep on thinking what shall I write next. If my idea pop up today then I'll write it and publish it today as well.

Thank you for reading this book even though it's not that great.

Please write your comment and suggestion.

My best friend told me to Keep an open  mind at this kind of things...

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