Chapter XXXI: Result of Choices Part 2

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Alois knew that he can do something yet he's too afraid to make a move. What if the same thing happen- what if he lose them the same way he lost his parents. The same way he lost every thing. Is it worth taking the risk? He can fight or he can  just go with them to avoid possible battle. He has to decide for himself.  With his trembling hands, Alois gently grabbed Brian's hands, feeling the same familiar warmth against his skin- Brian's gaze fell from their entwined hands. He lifted his gaze towards Alois face- and what he saw made him bristled with anger and disbelief. Alois promised he'll protect them, and that's what he's planing to do.

"What the hell!." Brian pulled his hands away from Alois' grasped. How can Alois think of something so ridiculous as sacrificing himself. It's true they can surrender him to this vile creature, but Brian is sure as hell it didn't even crossed his mind. Not even once! so why does he even considered doing such a thing. Even if he's nothing but a human child- he wants to protect this man the same way he was being protected. The same way Alois has protected them since their escape. If it wasn't for him- he's sure as hell, he and Macy won't be standing right now. With heaving chest, Brian glowered at Alois which seemed to shrunk more like a child being scolded by his parents. "Don't you ever think of that way! Do you ever think about how we'll feel if you just surrendered like that just to save ourselves?. What kind of person do you take us for? " Vienne grumbled to himself- agreeing silently at Brian's notion. His mates' words is truly amusing. He may be a child, still he talk more like an adult. It made him so proud for some reason. Maybe, because of the fact that Brian is no push over, not that he'll do something that will lose Brian's ability to speak for himself.  I'm so whipped! Vienne thought to himself.

Their attention was drawn to the man who they completely forgotten. As the man slowly took a step towards them - the three took another step backwards. Putting more space away from the rotten-smelling man.  The man grinned maliciously as he stared right back at them before saying " How rude of you to forget me like I wasn't even standing here." He mused clearly Angry yet the cold demeanor showed the opposite impression. He then flicked his gaze towards the Platinum Blonde hair boy who has the guts to go against him. He 'tsked" and watch as the Alpha gently reach for the boys' hand as he released an animalistic growl as a sign of possessiveness, it reverberated the ground making the Necromancer smirked wider. AH Mates. Then it will be easier than he thought. "Child, I suggest you shut your mouth. The decision is not yours to make. We wouldn't want to hurt you and those beast around you, do you?" The man taunted Brian. His voice dangerously low and held a warning that made the boy tremble.

     The man raised his left hand and started to make circular motions. Then flicked his wrist and slashed against the air as if cutting into something invisible. And just like that- Another explosion rocked the ground. This time the explosion is much closer. Too close for their own liking. Vienne growled as he crouched to the ground. His palm touching  the grass below his feet, feeling the earth and the nature surrounding them. Werewolves are one with nature, they protect it the same way it protects them. This is one of those times. Vienne felt his large form tremble as his body hunch and his transformation took place. His face contorted as he felt his ear stretch. Thick fur started sprouting all over his body. His hands and feet into paw. His nose into a muzzle. His fur coated his body as it glistened , The transformation is now complete as the large beast stretch its large body . It howled loudly- which echoes through out the open field. Everyone heard their alpha, for another howl resounded, and then another and another until the pack ground trembles signalling the beginning of the war they intended to win.

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