Tick tock the time is up...

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Glancing around him, he felt pride well in his heart.

He felt like he's gonna be a part of something. Something life changing, and as the roar of beast echoed, signaling the bloodbath,  he couldn't help but took a glance at Yura. The man I'd quite intimidating, his cold eyes dart around the opposite field, calculating the enemies he was about to slay. A sickly grin plastered his face, showing a sadistic streak no one has ever noticed before. But not me. Everything about this man is recorded inside my head. Every gesture, the way he talks, the way he sleep, the way he eat and the way he glance around him, I know everything.

A man so cold yet so warm  when it comes to me. 

And I couldnt help but think...what's so special about me. I've been rude and disrespectful towards him yet he never lash out on me. The never hurt me with those large hands, all he does was offer me comfort and love, the things which I can't possibly offer to him. I love him , yes. But showing such affection is another story. A story I wasn't ready to open yet. But I can't just let it be. I can't let us go to war without saying how I truly felt. It may take time, but I'll try my best to show him. To show him how speciAl he is for me.

So with a large and confident stride of my thigh, legs, and feet, I walk towards him. A strong feeling was about to burst inside and I couldn't hold it in.

He immediately noticed me...and I saw his frown makes it way on his face..I want to laugh but I hold it in. I want to show him how serious I am.

He continued frowning and I stopped in front of him, I gaze up at him, his large frame towering over mine, wide chest and thick arms covered with his black robe, his pale skin- smooth and perfect. His electric blue eyes zeroed on my face, narrowing slightly as his front deepened. His red lips twitch, probably trying his best not to  say anything that'll tick me off.

"Can we talk? " I ask, he nod his head but I'm not taking that. "In private?" I said, irritation slipt through my voice making his jaw tick, loosing his patience as seconds passed by, he sigh, before he grabbed my wrist and teleport us out of there.

I held my breath as I felt a twist in my stomach and after a sec. We were already standing in a meadow. Far from the raging war.

"Talk. We don't have much time." He said coldly making me flinch. Did I push him away that hard?

Is this my doing?

My heart clench tightly, and I felt like crying, but I clench my fist instead and averted my gaze.

"Is it the part where you gonna reject me?" He ask, pain lacing through his voice and I almost puke at the acid burning through my chest. I'm not here to reject him. I'm here to love him and to make everything right. To make us right.

But here he is, doubting my intention, which I can't blame him from, because it is my own doing.

So I'll make sure he knows how much I care for him and I'll never reject him.

"Can you please come here? " I ask as I noticed how far we are apart. He shook his head but I gave him a pleading look, he took a step, then another after he stood in front of me, a few inches apart. I held both side of his face and pulled him down, his eyes widened but he followed my lead until my back hit the grassy ground. His large frame between my thighs. He stiffened as his chest pressed against mine and tried to pull back but I can't have him doing that. I can't let him escape. Not when I'm not done showing him how I feel. So with a confidence, I pulled his face down and smash my lips to his. The moment our lips touch, I felt the thousand electricity shock my body, Starting from my lips down to my toes. And I moaned at that. The sensation brought me too much.

Yura respond immediately at my touch...his right elbow as his support not to smash me against the ground. His let hand cupped my cheeks as he tilt his head to have a better access. His tongue swipe across my lips making me shudder and tremble with need.

"What does this mean?" He ask breathing heavily as he grind himself to my lower half. I groaned as I bit my lower lip so hard it almost bleed. "You'll be the death of me. Do you know that?" He mumbled.

"I love you." I whispered to his ear. He stiffened and abruptly pulled back. He's still sitting but so far from me. He looks like he just get burned at my confession. "What?" Disbelief written all over his face as he look at me.

I smiled softly, "I love you." I breath again out as I heard his loud intake of breath. He move towards me again, leaning at my open arms. He snaked his arms around me. I felt him tremble as he took deep shuddering breath.

I felt his nose skimmed through the side of my neck, taking a big whiffs before licking my sensitive skin. O groaned and quiver as his wet tongue lick over it.

I heard his chuckle before I felt him stood up with me still in his arms. "You don't know what those words means to me, little dove. Saying those to me means that you'll forever be mine. Mine alone. I'm possessive and I hate sharing, but for you...I'll try my hardest to control the urge to lock you in my room and never let you out." He mumbled softly before kissing my temple. I nod my head, unable to say anything.

"I just want you to know.  I don't want to go to war without telling you so. I tried so hard to supress such feelings but i guess you really got me smitten." I teased making him laugh. I smiled at that, loving him more.

"I know. Im just waiting for you to give in. But rest assured, I won't stop even if you did rejected me." He said softly as he lowered me at the ground.

"I'm glad you won't. But that aside, we must go back. They need us there." I murmured. I really don't want to go back but since I still worry about my brother. He smiled at that.

"I'm sorry for doubting you and accusing you of such ridiculous thing. I guess I just felt like I'm loosing you without even a fight. You don't want to give me a chance and you wouldn't talk at me. I riled you to get such reaction. I want to know where your heart lies." He apologized, scratching the back of his neck.

"No worries. Thats in the past. We're pass through that.  I already forgave you " I said linking my hands to his large ones. "Now take us back. The war needs to end." I said looking up at him.

"You know. It wouldn't make much of a difference whether we are there or not. Maverick is quite pissed so he'll probably obliterate half of them before they can even ask what had just happened. I prefer my head intact so we should stay out of his way." Yura said having a far away look. I stared at him with disbelief, is he rally that afraid at that man? Yes he definitely looks powerful but he doesnt seem that dangerous to me. "How so? He's not that scary. "

"You. You don't have any idea who is that man. You're brother is his fated. A deity hates harming others, but when it comes to their fated. They be pretty cruel towards their enemies. Not to mention, he's a dragon deity himself."

As those words left his lips, my eyes widened.

Oh Fuck!

What a joke of fates!

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