Chapter X: Queen of fairies

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Queen Titania

"Boy, do anything stupid- I shall severe your head." I warned at the man who's currently healing Maverick. I stood firmly at the end of the room, watching the healer- Miwa as he call himself. I'm still hoping. Ah what am I hoping for really. ? I do not care about the war that's happening at the earth neither at the news about the realm Maverick has created. All I want is Maverick. I know I sounded obsessed. But this obsession has saved me so many times.

When the Ancient Goddess of order created me, I really am happy. She created us- me, the queen of fairies; Castro, the king of Lycan; Adam and Eve,the ancestor of humans; Arabella, mother of gods; Yura, the ancient vampire; Azul, king of the beast; Mito, Princess of the Nymph; Leifa, the elf queen; Micha, the arch angel; Sylva, mother of Phoenix and Phoebe, mother of demons.

Everything is perfect. Until the day she told us that she had created a world where we will live. She showed us the earth. She told us that it's a gift and we all should take good care of it. Adam and Eve lived as they were told. They breed children's they dearly love. Castro created his werewolves and lived with them at the forest. Arabella does not want to live down the land so she created heaven with the help of Micha- there they create their Kingdom. Azul vanished from our sight. We never knew where he went. The same as Yura. Mito and Leifa found a forest of their own and created a Kingdom as well. While I, Titania was at lost. I do not know what to do. I do not wish to be separated at our creator. So I just hid myself away from everyone and gone to sleep.

And then when I woke up and look at the earth, everything has changed. There's too many humans now. Mito, Leifa, and Castro were no where to be found. Adam and Eve was no longer alive. There were too many vampires and werewolves as well although not as many as the humans. Azul changed his form into a lion and was in hibernation. Sylva live with the humans as well as her children.

But what I do not expect the most is what Phoebe had become. She's no longer beautiful. Her vibrant brown hair is black now. Her grey eyes is now crimson red. Her skin looks like a dry sand. Her hands replaced by claws. And her wings was no longer white.

My sister was consumed by sadness and anger for our creator. For her, she was abandoned and betrayed. That's why her heart began to darkened. She cursed the land of earth and promised that she'll bring forth destruction.
As promised, not long before she utter those words, she started her vengeance. She murdered lots of humans and ate their hearts. She also brought her creations;Calamity, Malice, Lust, Death and demons.

They wreck havoc. While I and the other just watched the event unfold. I do not hate anyone yet I do not feel any need to meddle. So I just stood there and watched.

Phoebe continued with her wrath. Days and week passed, she never stopped. Until, a boy appears. A boy with red hair and purple eyes. He stand before her and ask her what she truly wants but Phoebe just laughed. I still remember the words that came out of her lips. Words that stunned all of us. "After you abandoned us, now she abandoned you? Ah. What a wonderful woman she is. Now, child, tell me. What have I become. I resented my own creator for abandoning me. I've become like this yet there she is enjoying herself with her beloved. And now she had a son? A cunning woman she is. I bet your father as well." She laughed darkly.

But the boy never waver. He just stared at her and waved his hand. Then he spoke. "My apologies, I apologise on her behalf as her son. But if it makes you feel better I shall help you now."

And that's all it takes for Phoebe to smile again. She reached her claws and boys face and gently caressed him. It made me smile as well. He really is her son.

The boy put Phoebe to sleep and sealed her. He used Sylva's tears to purify Phoebe. Arabella's wings as the first seal. Castro's blood to strengthen the first seal. Leifa's golden hair for the second seal. And Azul's blood to strengthen the second seal. Mito and Leifa's golden dust for the third seal and my wings that I gladly offered for the fourth seal. He then created the underworld where he chained Phoebe's children's. Calamity, Lust, Malice, Death and the demons. He also created the realm where Mito and Leifa decided to live. While I and Castro decided to live with the child. We discovered that his mother had created another realm where he can rest.

That day when I saw him. I knew that he'll be my reason to hold my sanity. For a creation without their maker lose its will to live. That is why his presence alone made my heart stable. And through the years I have loved him as my son. The same way as I love my creations. He's so dear to me.

And right now I will stand my ground and make sure that no matter what I'll be here by his side. Forever.

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