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[UPDATED!! including mistakes I have done over the years haha] HELLO HELLO HELLOOOOO MY SUGAR BABIES <3

The chapters will be labeled "Clean" or "Dirty" depending on the scene. If it has smut, it will have "Dirty," in front. If it's "Clean", the scene will have no dirty action. Please read them all even though you only want dirty stuff~ I work very hard on them *Single tear*

If you're an artist or great at editing don't be scared to tell me you have a cover for the book! I love using book covers by fans who like my weird fanfics haha The art also includes backgrounds and/or my profile picture for my account! Just DM me on where you can send it and I will use it happily~

Just to give you an idea on what this book is about (even though the title says it all) this book is a fanfic to ship yourself with the one and only Kaneki Ken <3 The first chapter will be kinda short so sorry in advance if you were disappointed and wanted more

It takes me awhile to update because of life events and sketch projects so I can't be on 24/7.... I'm not good at romantic stuff so it will be completely cheesy and fluffy stuff. Maybe a risky smutty chapter here and there but that's about it.

Anyways enjoy! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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