[Clean] KanekixReader: Just a dream

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Requested by:
~ Meowsirin ~

They wanted me to do one that was completely messed up and heartbreaking so I went and spent my 4 unintentional days off from school (Because I was super deadly sick) to watch heartbreaking, sad, horrifyingly tragic movies for inspiration.

My god watch out people because I'm inspired and I even wrote down some ideas for this one~

Edit: I was very busy with friends and important business so I didn't get to update this on Monday! Sorry~


Tears kept falling down your cheeks as you held Kaneki close to you. The blood kept coming out of his big wound on his stomach and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.

"K-Kaneki! Please, stay with me! Don't leave m-me!" Your voice was hoarse from all the screaming and your whole body shook from it all. You didn't have any source of communication to contact for help so you were there helpless with your lover slowly dying in your arms.

He slowly looks up at you and weakly smiles, "It's okay... I'll... be okay... (Your Name)" He reaches out and holds your cheek, his hand was cold and pale, all his strength was leaving his body, "Please... don't cry... I don't... like it when you cry..." He wipes away a few tears and smiles again. "I love... you" He whispered as he slowly closes his eyes.

Before you could say anything his hand that was holding your cheek falls to the ground. You stared at him for a few seconds, unable to grasp the truth of what just happened, "Kane... ki...?" You hold his hand and check for a pulse. You feel nothing. Tears start once again as you stare at his closed eyes. "K-Kaneki... Don't close your eyes! Stay with me, Kaneki!" He doesn't move an inch, his lifeless body stays in your arms as you lightly shook him. You just sat there holding his body and continued to scream/cry out his name.

"KANEKI!" You sit up covered in sweat, your breathing was shallow and your heart raced. You look to your left and see Kaneki, sitting next to you.

His face shows concern as he holds your shoulders, "(Your name!) Its okay, it was just a nightmare."

You blink a couple of times and start to cry, it was all a nightmare. He brings you close to him and you bury your head in his chest, his hand rubbed circles on your back to calm you down a bit. "K-K-Kanekiiii!" You would wail out like a child.

"Don't be afraid, (Your Name)." He smiles, "I'm here." His hugs were warm and soothing, soon your tears stopped flowing and you sat there in fetal position on his lap. You pressed your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, it was in a calm rhythm.

"Hey... Kaneki?" You whispered to him, he hummed in response, "Promise me you won't leave me?"

He looks down at you and smiles, "I won't." Is all he says.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."

Time passes as the two of you stayed in total silence, you soon started to fall asleep in his lap. The warmth of his body made you sleepy and his heartbeat was like music to your ears. He laid you down on the bed and you two were in a spooning position. His arms wrapped around your waist and you smiled, going back to sleep.

When you wake up you sit and look to your left, it was empty. Confused, you look on the nightstand and find the picture frames you have there. You pick them up and look at them closely, all of the were Kaneki, one the frames were broken. When you look at the broken picture frame it was just your wedding picture, his nose was covered in cake and his face was red from embarrassment, you, on the other hand, were laughing while holding crumbs and icing from the cake you smeared on him. On the bottom corner of the picture it said:

I'll never leave your side.


You put down the pictures and lay in bed. Tears silently flowed out of your eyes as your memories flash back to you. He passed away years ago.


Just for your information, yes, I did cry. Not from this story but from all those movies I watched ;v; I wasn't sure if it was sadder if you died or if he died so I decided to kill him~ :D

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