[Clean] KanekixReader: Valentines Day

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I love this time of the year ;v; *eats chocolate alone in the corner*


You nervously ate into your breakfast knowing it was finally Valentines Day. The holiday you loved every year even though you had no special lover to share treats with, but this year you did.

The crush you developed on was a quiet classmate was very obvious to your family. For some reason, you always fell for the cute and shy type, and when he came along he fit the picture perfectly. His name is Kaneki, he doesn't like to speak unless he's spoken to and his only friend is basically the opposite of him, loud and energetic.

When you finished your breakfast, you got up and just as you were about to open the door, your big sister stops you. She smiles and pats your back, "Good luck~" she giggles out and walks back to the dining room.

Your face turns pink at the thought and run off hoping your face would cool down by the time you get there. When you reached your school you were immediately attacked with hugs by your best friend. She can always make you smile, even when you're in such bad situations.

The reputation that you keep in your school is an average one, you were nice to people who were nice to you and kept your distance when it came to things that might end up bad. You didn't really stand out that much considering the fact that you liked the background more than the spotlight.

You had plans as to how to confess to your crush but little did you know your friend had other plans for you. Kaneki's best friend and your best friend have been teaming alongside each other and planning behind your back to get both of you together. In class your friend couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, but you ignored it and instead focused on your heavy breathing, the thought of saying your feelings scared you. What if he rejects me? What if he's already dating someone?

"(Y/N)" The teacher snapped you out of your daze and looked worried, "Are you alright?"

You blush from embarrassment, "A-Yeah, i'm fine..."

The teacher nods but still looked worried, "Please focus on the lesson."

The day went by quickly, at lunch your best friend told you to meet her in the gym after school and that she was busy so she couldn't eat lunch with her. You hesitate but agree to meet at the gym, even though it was odd for her to ask you to go there when the both of you have no reason to be there. Lunch was lonely, occasionally some people would walk up to you and give you a treat that you weren't expecting to get. The day got better when boys would give you homemade treats such as cupcakes and maybe a slice of chocolate cake, you accepted them all with a happy smile, making you feel at ease from this good atmosphere.

Hearing the last school bell ring, you head towards the gym. Your friend wasn't in the last parts of class after lunch so you wondered if she was okay. Once you made it to the door, you peek in to see if anyone was in. You walk in as you see no one inside. I might just be early. You shrug it off and wait. Minutes pass and you hear the door slowly open, its your best friend and she seemed to still have that wide smile of hers. Before you could speak, she put her hand over your mouth to stop you and shoved you in the room full of gym equipment. You felt startled by the sudden rush and as you see more inside the room there stood... him. He looked just as surprised as you were, both of your hearts raced and you completely forgot about your friend shoving you in the room.

It was quiet between the both of you until Kaneki cleared his throat, "u-uhm... hello..." he smiled nervously.

You went along with it and tried to start a small but awkward conversation, "H-hello... I'm (Y/N)" you lightly laughed, "So how did you get in here?"

"My friend told me to come here..." He looks away and stares at whatever is behind him. "He said my future depended on it."

You smile, "My friend and I agreed to come here after school... she never really explained why..."

"S-should we try and see if the door isn't l-locked?" He asked nervously.

You nod, "Yeah, I hope they didn't, I don't want to waste my valentines day stuck with gym equipment."

He laughs, "Same."

You tried to open the door, it was locked, you banged the door and yelled out your friends name but she never responded back. You gave up and sat down where the mats were placed into a giant stack. Kaneki still tried but after awhile he gave up and hesitantly sat next to you. The atmosphere grew more and more quiet, neither of you said anything.

You clutch your chocolates close to your chest and slowly breathed. He too was holding his tiny treat bag but he hid it from your sight of view. Looking at him, you slowly extend your arms with the bag in it to him.

"I-it's for... you..." you place the bag in his hands and he stares at it, his face slowly turning red. It was cute.

He felt more confident after you gave him his gift and gave you the one he made for you. Your face lights up with happiness as you accept the offer without hesitation and smile.

You realize that you haven't told him your feelings so you were about to tell him, "Hey um..." he speaks first, "I wanted to tell you that I-I.... had... a crush on you."

His words shock you as he confessed before you did. "I-I do too." You try to hide your blushing face with your hair, "I have a crush on you too..."

His face is filled with hope and slowly reaches for your hands, he looks you into the eyes and says, "Then..." He hesitates, "Will you be my Valentine?"


Look at what I found:

_(:3 」∠) like... just...

_(:3 」∠) "babe come back to bed."

When your crush walks by _(:3 」∠)

Anyway.... Happy Valentines Day and stuff, i'm going to read smutty doujinshis

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