[Clean] KanekixAlzheimerReader: Memories

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Requested by:
~ @Klau-senpai ~

I did a story about someone having this disease before in a comic but this is completely different, and even more sad since in this story you have children >:) Enjoy my babies~

Edit: I found out that I accidentally took the plot for The Notebook like a week or 2 after publishing this :(


"Ah! (Son's Name!)" You cried out as you opened the door. A smile spread across your face and you went to hug him. He chuckled and hugs back, the memories of your hugs filled him with happiness.

Kaneki hears the commotion and pokes his head out from the kitchen onto the hallway to see. He's surprised when he sees his own son, he wasn't notified about the visit. "(Son's Name!?)" Your son looks up to see his father, you let go so that he could come in. They both hug and let go, "Wow, you're almost going to pass my height!" Kaneki chuckles

(Son's Name) opens his mouth to say something but you interrupt him, "Don't just stand there~ Ken made (Fav Food!)" You grab your son's hand gently and take him into the dining room where it was set for two. He sits on the seat you were supposed to sit on and you go and get more things for another serving.

When you get the plates you stand there with a confused face, Kaneki notices this and rubs your shoulder, "Is something wrong?"

You look at him and give him a reassuring smile, "Oh, nothing~ I just wondered if I already set the table..." When you said this you walk into the dining room and see your son still sitting in your seat, your memories come back and you sigh with relief.

After you set your side of the table you sit down and Kaneki comes with the food, he serves both of you first and then himself, "Good thing I made enough for 5 people."

"Why so much?" Your son asks as he starts to eat.

"Well, your mother still has that big appetite she had-" You nudge his stomach with a pout as if you were still a child. He laughs, "Sorry, sorry."

Your son looks up, "By the way," He stops to grab a big bite of his food, "I'm sorry this was last minute, but I wanted my visit to be a surprise." He nervously smiles.

You wave your hand to brush it off, "Oh it doesn't matter, what matters is that you're here~"

"Do you have somewhere to stay? You know our house is very far from yours..." Kaneki asks with a concerned face.

"Yeah, I plan on sleeping in a nearby hotel-"

"Nonsense!" You interrupt, "You can sleep here!"

"Are you sure that's alright?" He asks.

"Yes! We still have your room untouched from when you moved out~" You happily smile.

Kaneki nervously laughs, "Yeah, and it still has those things from when he was going through that weird anime phase..."

Kaneki's comment made your son's face turn red from embarrassment, "It wasn't a phase..." He mumbles as he scratches the back of the neck. You and Kaneki laugh at your son's reaction. The rest of the day was used to talk with him and know what he's been up to in life.

After everyone got settled you and Kaneki went into the master bedroom, you sit on your old desk and take out your diary. Kaneki laughs lightly and looks over your shoulder to see you writing in it. "Even after all these years, you still write in it," His face relaxes as he hears your giggle, "I haven't seen you write in it since we were 20."

"That's because I write in it when you're asleep, but this even is way too important to not write," You say with a happy sigh.

~Time Skip to tomorrow~

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