[Clean] KanekixReader: Halloween

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*throws candy corn at people's faces*


"C'mon Kaneki!" You yell in excitement.

You poke your head into the room and show a big smile at your adorable looking friend. "Aren't we a big too old for this?" He sighs and hides his embarrassed face.

You let out a gasp, "YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR HALLOWEEN!" Throwing your arms up to hug him, he panics and nearly falls back.

"A-all right fine... b-but couldn't you at least give m-me a better c-costume?" He tries to pull down the white fluffy bunny ears you stuck to his head.

He's dressing out as a bunny, wearing a long, white, long sleeve shirt that has a pink belly and white pants that include the tiny tail. You on the other hand are dressing out as a kitty, the black kitty ears, black turtleneck with a white belly and black skirt that comes with the fluffy tail, wearing black tights and for shoes you wear black combat boots because you didn't want to die standing for hours in heels.

"But you look adorable!" You tease, you look at the time and panic, "We're going to be late for the party! We don't want Hide to be waiting, right?"

He tries to smile through his embarrassment, "Yeah, let's go." You wrap your arms around his arm and he blushes a darker shade of red.

~Spoopy Time Skip~

You rang to door bell and once the door opens, Hide greets you two with a big crowd of people chatting and having fun with their costumes. He's dressed as a ghoul, black eyes and makeup that shows black veins on his cheeks.

"Kaneki!" His smile is full of excitement until he saw what Kaneki was wearing, "PFHAHAHA such a cute outfit! (Y/N) made it for you?" He nudges his shoulder.

You smile and hug both of them, "Yep! Do you like his ears? They're just so adorable!" You play with his bunny ears and giggle. You don't notice Hide winking at Kaneki, making him even more embarrassed.

"Do you guys like my costume?" Hide does a heroic pose and shows off his fake blood stained shirt to you.

"Yeah! Its super creative! You look badass!" You pump your fist in the air, looking at Kaneki you spot him frowning at both of you, "something wrong?" You ask.

"Ah-No no, I'm fine." He gives you a reassuring smile. "C'mon lets all go inside." Hide nods in agreement and leads both of you inside.

The party is going so well and you were having such a good time with Kaneki hanging out with you, until you lost him somewhere in the house. You decided to go to the kitchen where all the food is and grab pizza. Having your last slice of pizza you feel someone touch your bottom, you turn around with a disgusted look only to see the dude with a smirk.

"Hey there sexy, want to go up to the rooms?" You try to back away but he corners you, "I can make you purr like a real kitty."

Being in uncomfortable situation, you try to push him out of the way, "Uh- Not interested... Please leave me alone..." you said in an annoyed tone, but he doesn't get the hint and tries to kiss you, the smell of alcohol and smoke on his breath makes you gag in disgust.

"Excuse me." That familiar voice makes you smile in relief, the guy turns around to see Kaneki with a very serious face, "she says she's not interested, so please leave her alone."

The guy laughs and faces Kaneki, trying to look taller than him, "What if I don't, little bunny?" He pokes his pink stomach, "Ya gonna hurt me with your fluffy ears?"

He goes for a punch, but Kaneki stops it. Where did he get that strength!?

Kaneki is the kind who would get scared of spiders, read books, enjoy store bought hamburgers, and hang out with his friends. How is he able to stop a punch from a big drunk guy!?

He twists his hand but not enough to break it, he whines in pain and falls on the floor, "Please don't call me 'little bunny' and don't ever touch (Y/N)." He goes to you and holds you close to his chest, "She's my girlfriend."

"E-EH!?" Your face turns as red as a tomato. The guy runs off and leaves the party, after a minute or two you look up to see Kaneki blushing just as much as you and lets go.

"S-sorry (Y/N) I-I-I was j-just in the m-moment." He stutters like crazy and backs away slowly to give you space.

Your heart beat goes up as you stare at him, "um..." he stops panicking and looks at you, "I wouldn't... mind..." you look down and twiddle your fingers.

He stares dumbstruck, "M-mind what...?"

You jump at him and hug him tightly, "B-being your... girlfriend..." you hide your face in his chest, his sweet scent is all you smell.

You might have been his friend for many years but as time passed you grew more and more fond of him, you didn't think he would like you back because you thought you weren't good enough for him. Taking the chance to confess your feelings, you hold him close until he tells you how he feels, if he doesn't feel the same way, it will be incredibly awkward. Since no one else is in the kitchen, its quiet and the two of you stood in that position for a while until you feel warm arms wrap around you. Your face heats up and your mind goes wild.

He leans down and whispers in your ear, "I love you, (Y/N)."

You pause to let it sink in, you didn't notice him getting nervous from your quiet response. "I love you too, Kaneki..."


Hiding behind the slightly opened kitchen door, Hide has had first row seats to both of you and your romantic moment.

A friend walks up to him with a smile "Hey, Hide! Amazing party-" he was cut off before he could finish his sentence.

"SHHH! DON'T RUIN THE MOMENT." Hide looks back into the kitchen, watching the both of you hold each other close. "They finally tied the strings on this!"

"What the hell are you going on about?" His friend sighs.


I ate 4 bars of chocolate candy late tonight and my stomach feels like its fighting my brain so yeah wish me luck because I might die but yeah YOLO (~^o^)~

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