[Clean] KanekixReader: Heartbreaker

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ishipyukaelaasf Lol Jk I'm updating today~

Just gonna leave this here before anyone starts to cling on my arm and cry *Flies off into the sunset*


It was another day without the boy you liked in school. At first, it was okay if he missed a couple of days but it became more frequently and then he just stopped completely. You heard from Hide that Kaneki worked at a Cafe nearby and you checked it out, finding that it was indeed true. It was weird going there, you did like the coffee but your intentions were to go and see him without admitting it.

The weeks going there were nice and calm, your crush towards Kaneki would grow every time he smiled at you and treated you as if you were the most prized customer. The old man would sometimes treat you with a piece of (Fav Cake) and some of his own brewed coffee when Kaneki wasn't there, it was his way of showing his appreciation to you and your loyalty. Every time you go, you get to talk to Kaneki, just small talk though. It felt as if he started to like you too, but you didn't keep hopes up.

One day, he asked you out.

You didn't expect it at all, it was sudden and random. He chuckled at your reaction because he thought it was cute, another reason to love you, I guess. Of course you accepted it, you were overjoyed with happiness. When you got ready the doorbell rang and you opened it with a smile, "You ready?" Kaneki asks with a pink face.

"Ready as i'll ever be." You giggle. 

It was a nice date, the best part was you got to hold his hand while he walked you home. A week later and he asked you out, it went on like that, one date each week. The dates were nice until one day he wasn't at the cafe, you went again and he wasn't there. It was like school all over again, only this time no one will tell you where he went. It's not like they're hiding it from you, it's just that no one knows where he is. 

The cafe had a grey and gloomy aura around it, you would be the only one who you come often, once in a while that weird blue haired boy that came in once in his red suit would come and be loud like always. He told you that he was Kaneki's best friend but he never gave you his name, he was a weird guy to you, he had this... creepy and untrustworthy feel about him. The workers would force themselves to smile when you would come in and sit, a cute little girl suddenly started to hand out as well, you knew she was there before kaneki left but she never comes out until now. She would often be seen drinking coffee and writing things down as she was reading. It surprised you that a girl her age was drinking coffee, but she was nice so it didn't bother you that much.

The people who worked at the cafe and the ones that lived in it were like family to you, they trusted you and you trusted them when you needed someone to talk to. One day as you walked on your usual route to the cafe, an explosion was heard in the distance, you looked up and saw that far away was a building collapsing, your eyes widen and you tremble in fear. You weren't near it but you were scared, scared for the people that might live near there, you quickly went to the cafe to check if they saw the explosion. The cafe was closed and you had no choice but to run home and check on your parents.

Your house was very close to that building that collapsed, thinking about your parents and possibly your baby brother getting hurt made your adrenaline kick in and you ran as fast as you could. While running you found a crying child nearby all alone, the streets were covered in ash and sirens from ambulances could be heard a couple blocks away, "Are you lost?" You huff out from running.

The kid looked at you with glossy eyes and face full of tears. You hold out your and the kid accepts the offer, you went around calling for the mother, you desperately wanted to go to your house for your parents but you didn't want to leave the kid alone. Eventually you found a crowd of people trying to get away from the building and found a woman calling out to her child. The kid let go of your hand and ran towards his mother, she thanked you with tears runnig down her cheeks, in your opinion the kid took after her mother's looks because they have nearly the exact eyes and expression.

After you sorted it out you started to once again run towards your house, the adrenaline was gone so now you were very tired but still kept going. Ashes started to rain down like snow, as you approached a park you saw a man with white hair, you stop and look at him, wondering if he's lost or injured. He has ripped and dirty clothes so you got worried, "Are you alright?" You walked up to him and stop.

He looks up and gives you no emotion, no reaction of your presence, you gasp. "What are you doing here?" He asks and eyes you down.

"Kaneki? What happened to you?" You walk up to him, "Why is your hair white?" you reach up to touch his hair but he stops you.

"I'm not staying, I have to go." He starts to walk past you and you grab a hold of his shirt.

"W-wait!" He looks at you, you barely noticed his left eye, it was a ghoul eye. "Please..." You stare at him and his eye.

"Yeah, I'm a ghoul." He said that as if he read your mind, "I do not plan on staying."

"B-but I-" He starts to move once again but you hug him from behind, hiding your face in his shirt, "I l-love you!" You blurted it out without any intentions of saying it, he stays quiet, "I don't want you to go! Not now!"

"I'm sorry." He grabs your hands and gets free from your embrace, "But I don't feel the same way." Those words struck you like daggers to the heart, "I lost all interests in love. My feelings towards people are long gone." He leaves you as you stared at him in shock.

Tears started to roll down your face and you fell to your knees. You stared as Kaneki was walking away, he didn't even bother looking back. You crumpled up into a ball, not even caring if you were in a dangerous spot to be in. 

~Bonus/Time skip~

"Would you like some more?" The old man asked with a concerned tone.

You looked at him slowly and nodded, he started to fill your cup with more coffee. Many things changed after that explosion, everyone seemed to be different, but they kept you company. You never told anyone about seeing Kaneki and finding out that he was a ghoul, because deep down you knew. It was fairly obvious, the eyepatch, the mention about other ghouls, and about him missing school after the incident. 

The only thing that hasn't changed was your heart being hurt by the one you loved the most.


Here's a quikie because I enjoy your suffering~

It's kinda like the Ghoul chapter but with an extra sad ending :D

Also when I write these I don't feel sad when I read them... maybe it's because I'm the one writing them??? Idk I try to make it as sad as I can write it but I never feel sad... Oh well :D Maybe I'm just heartless *sparkles*

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