[Clean] KanekixReader: Easter

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Oh shet

I forgot to upload this


It's finally Easter and you invited over Kaneki and Hide to hide some eggs for your siblings and cousins. The doorbell rang and you quickly opened it, seeing both of your favorite boys made you happy, especially Kaneki. You two are in a happy relationship and he would do anything to make you smile. The kids saw the standing at the door and ran towards them, squealing and giggling like little animals.

They would often ask Kaneki when you two would get married, both of you would madly blush as they poke your faces and giggle. "Ahem... Hide, Kaneki, please follow me to the kitchen. I need help looking after the kids as they color the eggs." The kids were sitting on the large table, all eagerly waiting for the fun of painting eggs for the egg hunt. You lay out the watercolor paints and brushes, there is more than enough paintbrushes for each kid so no one would fight or be left out. The parents were in the master bedroom fixing the candy bags, they asked you to take care of the kids as they arranged the candy and you agreed. 

"Can I paint some too!?" Hide clings onto your arm and does the puppy eyes to make it more convincing. "PLEEEAAASEEE???" You sigh and nod, he immediately sits next to the kids and grabs the bright colors he wants for his eggs. You bring the eggs out and hand one to each kid, including Hide. They all started to paint, you thankfully covered the table with a plastic table protector so the paint wouldn't stain the wood.

Time passes and almost everyone is finished, you looked at Hide and laugh as his face is messily covered with paint, he was very focused on the third egg he was painting. Compared to the kids, Hide was way messier than them. "Your family does this every year, right?" Kaneki asks as he frantically tries to help kids with their eggs.

"Yes, yes we do~ But this year we have more kids." You look at your new cousins with a smile still on your face, they recently moved near your house and visit nearly every day. I guess you could say it was a family tradition, getting the kids to paint their eggs, the parents fixing the candy, and once everything is ready, the parents go outside with the eggs the kids painted and hide them, giving the kids their custom baskets (That are going to be painted as well) and find as many eggs as they can. This year your parents let you invite your friend and boyfriend to celebrate the holiday.

"DONE~" Hide yells out and holds out all the eggs he made, "The one with orange hair is me! The one with an eyepatch is Kaneki! and the one with (Eye Color) eyes is (Your Name)!" You look at all the eggs and let out an 'aww' Your eyes were very sparkly on the egg.

"Is everyone done yet?" You call out and all the kids nod, you go to the bedroom where all the parents are and tell them that the kids are done, they go and grab all the eggs and take them to the backyard. "Now that we're done with the eggs, its time to paint the baskets!" You happily cheer and the kids cheer with you.

"CAN I-"

"Of course, Hide." You laugh at Hide's reaction, he cheers and throws his hands in the air. You and Kaneki pass out the baskets to all the kids and watch them like you guys did when they did the eggs. When they were finished, you informed the parents and they made all the kids line up side by side. "All right, no pushing or hitting, this is not a fight, be fair and don't take from other's baskets." You walk back and forth as if it was an army line up. All of them stand up straight and nodded, even Hide. 

"Okay~ Ready?" Your mom would sing, they all got in ready positions, waiting for your mother to continue, "Set..." She put her hand up, signaling for them to wait. "GO!" She pointed to the backyard and they all ran, giggling like crazy. 

Every time Hide found an egg he would scream and cheer, "I FOUND ONE! LOOK! (YOUR NAME)! I FOUND ONE!" after his little victory dance, he would try and find another. You laugh and sit next to Kaneki, he was happily watching the kids search and help each other.

Your parents gave you and Kaneki a basket with some candy in it, you didn't want to participate because you had an unfair advantage against the kids. Hide was okay because he would lowkey put some of the eggs he found into some of the kid's baskets and then look for some to keep. You took out a box of peeps and started munching on them, you glance at Kaneki as he looks through his basket with wide eyes, you stuff a peep in his mouth and laugh at how he reacted.

"This is the best Easter I've ever had..." Kaneki mumbles to you and takes a bite out of his peep.

You look at him, "Would you like to come to next year's Easter?" You say with a smirk.

He looks at you and smiles, "I would like that."


I did nothing for Easter besides doodle some male anime characters in playboy bunny costumes (/;v;)/

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