[Clean] KanekixReader: Birthday

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Anyway I'm 17 now, one more year and then I can order smutty Doujinshis online by myself *Does the scary shiny glasses while having a nosebleed*


It was finally your birthday. You were turning 17 this year. When you reached the school, your friends immediately greeted you with presents and sweets. Your face was as red as a tomato when they start singing happy birthday to you, somehow getting the whole class to join in. After that they somewhat calmed down and continued with the lesson, you looked out the window and saw Hide, he was sitting on one of the branches, staring at you with a wide smile.

You gasp loudly in surprise, the whole class looks at you and you apologize. The class started to have some free time, making the class get loud with chatter, that gave you a chance to look back at the tree, Hide still sat there and you opened the window. "What are you doing!?" You quickly whispered.

He kept his smile, "I have something important to say~" He waved his hands indicating for you to come closer.

"What is it?" You leaned closer.

He hugged you, making half of your body hang out of the window, "Happy Birthday!~" He lets go immediately and you pant when you went back in.

"O-Okay... one, NEVER do that again." You glared at him only to make him laugh, "and second, there is no way you did all that just to say that." You crossed your arms and looked at him.

He nervously chuckles and scratches his neck, "W-well..." He looks away and blushes, "I want you to meet me at the roof during lunch."

You tilt your head in confusion, "What for?"

"You're just going to have to find out~" He smirks and jumps off the tree branch. You knew he was okay so you didn't bother looking, the rest of the time was filled with your friend once again hugging you and treating you like a queen.

When if was lunch, you grabbed your food and some treats you planned on eating and headed towards the roof. Hide was acting weird today, he probably planned something cheesy like balloons and a cake. You opened the door to the roof only to be immediately attacked with hugs. Freeing yourself from your captor, you looked and face palmed when it was just Hide. Instead of stopping the hugs, he clings to your legs and doesn't let go. Your face flushed red as he kept rubbing his cheek against your leg like a child, shaking your leg wasn't helping because he would only hold you tighter.

"H-hey, (Y/N)"

You quickly turned around with Hide still clinging on your legs, you gasp as you see Kaneki holding a cake. it was (Fav Flavor) cake, the one you told them that you love so much. he slowly walked up to you, carefully as to not drop it. Hide finally lets go and stands next to Kaneki, they both sing to you happy birthday. Your face was red once again as they waited for you to blow out the candles, you did and Hide clapped.

Kaneki leaned in and kissed your cheek, you were flustered as it was sudden and unexpected, his cheeks were lightly dusted with pink and he smiled, "Happy birthday, (Y/N)"

Hide pouts and lets out a tiny groan, "Kaneki! That wasn't fair! I wanted to kiss her first~" He hugs you and you were taken by surprise once again. He kisses your cheek, and smiles, "Happy Birthday, (Y/N)!~"

They give you a slice of cake and sit on each side of you, the lean on your shoulders and smile. Your face continues to grow even more red if that was possible, they look at you and lightly laugh.

"I love you~" They both say in union and kiss your cheeks at the same time.

This was like a dream come true.


Threesome, anyone? Huehuehue


(Edit) My soon to be 20 year old weeb ass: *Laughs in old* Fuck

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