[Clean] KanekixReader: Festival

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Writing this in English class is so much fun :v

This might be just like the Amusement park date but yeah I tried making them very different and stuff (/^-^)/

Ps: I suck and I'm not sure what those kimono thingies are so I will just make you wear a nice dress or whatever *sparkles*


"This will be so romantic for you, (Y/N)!" Your mom squeals in excitement, "Isn't this your first date?"

You sigh and hide your blush from your mom, "Yeah, it is..." You stand there as your mom fixes up the dress she made for you. It wasn't fancy or anything crazy, it was nice and plain just like you like it. (Use your imagination and make one up because I'm not a fashionista and never worn a dress so yeah.)

Your mom taps your bottom to get your attention, she gets up and smiles her cheeky smile at you, "All done! This turned out better than expected!"

"You do know that you don't have to do that every time you finish a dress for me, right?" You groan and you rub your bottom.

"I know," She winks at you, "but it's fun this way."

The doorbell rings and both of you look towards the door, you try to walk towards the door, but your mom runs straight towards it like an excited dog. She opens it with all her might and sees Kaneki there shocked and startled at the sudden gust of air from the force. He's wearing normal clothing, no I mean that's it, normal clothing, the usual attire he has almost every day. There you are with a dress that you forcefully asked your mom to make and fit good but there he is, in normal clothing.

"Well, now I look like I tried too hard or he didn't try at all." You pout and fall onto the couch in shame.

Your mom sees you in despair and smiles, "C'mon sweetie it's still a date no matter how you dress." You look up and smile at her, leave it to her to cheer you up, "HURRY, WHILE THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG!" she goes back to her happy state and skips towards you.

She grabs you by the arm and pulls you towards the front door, "W-wait mom! I'm gonna trip!" She doesn't listen and practically throws you into Kaneki's arms.

"Don't come back until you have my grandchildren!" Your mom chirps and closes the door.

You groan in embarrassment and bury your face into Kaneki's chest so that he doesn't see your red face. "W-we should start.. g-going..." Kaneki manages to say, trying not to freak out about what your mom just said.

"Yeah, let's go."

~Time Skip~

Once you get there you smile and tug at Kaneki's sleeve. He looks at you and sees your smile, "Oh no, (Y/N)..." Since you've been friends with him he's gotten to know you like this crazy energetic girl just like your mother but when she's around you tend to try and act normal obviously, it doesn't work and makes everything worse because she knows you suffer and takes pleasure from your pain.

"I WANT A FISHY!" You exclaim as you run towards food stalls.

"W-WAIT (Y/N)!" Kaneki tries to run with you to catch up from your sudden bolt of energy.

He catches up to you only to see your eyes sparkling at the tiny goldfish swimming around in the blue tub. Looking up, he sees it's a classic game to win a free goldfish as a pet, he sighs and volunteers to play. You look at him in awe as he easily beats the game in seconds, earning the biggest one there. As he hands the fish to you, you squeal with happiness.

"Don't jump around, you might hurt it," He warns with a chuckle.

"I might turn into Darla~" You say with an evil smirk, making the fish tremble.

He shakes his head and gives a worried glance at the poor fish, "If you do, it won't last a day."

You laugh and gently hold the bag the fish was in, "Don't worry, I won't hurt it," You look up at him, "Because it's from you." His eyes widen at what you said and looks away, holding the urge to hug you for being so cute.

The past hour was just full of you stuffing your face and buying tons of random merchandise that you make Kaneki carry for you. It was so much fun and saw how much fun he's been having too, your smile made his heart skip a beat every time. Kaneki managed to get you to calm down and took you up a hill where the view was beautiful.

"Wow! I love how the stars shine beautifully up here!" You sit down on the soft grass, softly putting your new pet onto your lap and look up to the shiny stars.

Kaneki sits down next to you and stares at you, "They don't shine as bright as you do, though..." He accidentally whispers out.

You jump at the sudden compliment and look at him with your face growing red, "W-what?" You manage to squeak out.

"I- uh well..." He stutters a bunch of nonsense and panics at the looks you're giving him, making his face red with embarrassment.

You laugh and put your hand on top of his, his body tenses up a little and looks down, "The fireworks will start soon." You whisper out with a smile.

He calms down and holds your hand, "Yeah, good thing we got here." He looks up at you and stares into your eyes. Soon the fireworks started slowly and the silence you had with him ended, making you look up in awe of the beautiful lights. He doesn't look at them, he could care less about the fireworks because he was looking at something even more beautiful than that.


When the fireworks went all crazy you turn to Kaneki, "Looks like this is the fina-" He cuts you off with an unexpected surprise. His kiss was gentle as if you're going to break with the slightest mistake, you accept the kiss and move at the grove his lips were going.

After the fireworks ended he realized what he did and panicked, "I-I'm sorry! I just went and-" You gave him a quick kiss and giggled at his expression.

"I don't mind, I kinda liked it," You smirked and nudged him, "Even though this is our first date."

"D-don't say it like that!" He covers his face in shame.

"Moving quickly from first base~" You tease some more. He fell over and curled into a little ball as you kept teasing and hugging.

After that little event, he walks you home and he holds your hand in his. His hands were warm and soft, softer than you thought, it made you blush at how cute he really was. Time flies by when you reach your house, you face Kaneki one last time before the date ends and lean in for another kiss. Happily, your mom stood by the window, staring at you two with a huge crazy grin plastered on her face and decided not to ruined your little moment.


I tried my best even though I'm not good with all the fluffy stuff and I still love the fluffy stuff hehe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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