[Clean] KanekixReader: New Years

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I am aware Kaneki got sussage fingers in the photo lmao

*2 weeks after new years* Sup


Hide invited you to the public library where Kaneki would most likely be. Since both Christmas and New Years were so close together the school gave the students two weeks off. You met Hide outside the library, he waved and you waved back smiling, you walk in together. Not really much of a surprise when you see Kaneki reading one of the books from the mountain of books he had next to him.

Hide ran towards Kaneki and bear hugged him, making him turn pale from the scare. They talked for a second, you couldn't hear because you were still far behind them, since you where there at the library you thought of getting a book to read.

Once you got some books, you walk towards their table to settle down. "Fireworks?" You hear Kaneki ask. You sit next to Hide and start reading, you listen closely to their conversation.

"Yeah I have fireworks that I'm going to use tonight! I would totally love it if you come over for New Years." Hide jumps in his chair from all the energy he has, making you chuckle.

"Is it really already New Years?" Kaneki says, his voice gave away that he's thinking deeply about this.

You decided to join in on their conversation, "Could I come? It sounds better than having my New Years spent all on my own."

Hide smiles, "Of Course! Why wouldn't I invite you?" Both of you cheer and high-five, only to be scolded by the librarian for being too loud.

Kaneki stared at you, then at Hide. "I'll go, too." Both you and Hide looked at Kaneki with a surprised expression, he hid his blushing face into his book so the both of you wouldn't see.

Hide smirked, "Then it's settled then." After that Hide told you when to come and what to bring, such as snacks and drinks. Kaneki was in charge of the movies, and Hide was in charge of the fireworks.

~Time Skip~

You wear your casual clothing since it's only Hide's house, you didn't want to wear anything crazy. After getting the snacks and drinks from the corner store, you walk towards his house, when you turn the corner your eyes meet a familiar friend of yours.

"Oh hey, Kaneki." You smile and walk towards him.

"Hey, (Y/N)" Kaneki's face relaxes as he walks with you.

After a couple of blocks, you see Hide's house from a distance and instantly get excited. "I can't wait for the fireworks!" You cheer, "I'm glad Hide invited us to come over, this will be very fun."

Kaneki doesn't smile, he just nods, "Yeah, it will be... fun." You look at him, he doesn't look back. Puffing out your cheeks, you pinch Kaneki, "O-Ow! What was that f-for?" He exclaims while rubbing his cheek.

"You were being a mood killer," You said simply.

It was quiet for the rest of the walk to Hide's house, but it wasn't a nice, peaceful silence, it was an awkward silence. You rang the doorbell and smiled, thinking about hanging out with both of your best friends on new years made you really happy.

Hide opened the door, "Hey! You guys made it!" He looks at the bags of snacks you were holding, "you really did bring the snacks."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You punch his shoulder playfully and let him carry the bags inside. Kaneki stood there for a second, stared at both of you having a fun time already, then went in.

After awhile all three of you laid out all the snacks you brought, Kaneki took out the movies he thought would be nice to watch and Hide excitedly went to get the fireworks. You laughed at Kaneki as he argues on how The Notebook is such a sad and cute movie, romance wasn't really your thing but ever since you and Kaneki became friends, it would be the main topic between you two. As the two of you talked, you noticed Kaneki hesitating to say something but then talk about something else.

"I BROUGHT THEM!" Hide screamed and ran out to the back, you squealed and ran outside as well.

He opened the purple box he had in his hands and showed all kinds of tiny sparklers and big colorful fireworks. Kaneki worried for (Y/N's) safety, he wouldn't want you to play around with the big ones. Hide claimed he would be in charge of the big and possibly dangerous ones, you pouted in disappointment but let it be. These boys aren't going to say 'yes' anytime soon.

You immediately grabbed a sparkler and ignited it, looking at it in awe, as if you've never seen such a thing in your entire life. You sat down by the slider door and watched as your sparkler glowed bright, Kaneki grabbed one as well and sat next to you. Hide was in his own little world, playing with Bang snaps and laughing as they made tiny pop sounds.

(For those of you who don't know what bang snaps are, they're like tiny wrapped tear drop shaped thingies with a tail that has enough materials to make little pop sounds, they're very common in Tijuana- where I would go to sometimes- they're not dangerous, their only purpose is to make a pop sound so even children can play with them. You throw them on a hard surface, or stomp on them with your foot and then POP :) That's about it.)

It was as if you were in some kind of trance, you stared at your sparkler, ignoring everything around you, at least until Kaneki spoke up. "These things are always soothing..."

"Yeah... they are..." You smiled "These bring back pleasant memories..."

He looked up at the dark sky, not many stars could be shown, the lights around the place prevented them to be at their best, but it was nice nonetheless. "Could you promise me something..."

You look up at Kaneki, "Depends on what it is." You laugh.

"Could you... promise me... that you will stay with me forever?" Kaneki's voice was a low whisper, he didn't want Hide to listen. Hide was preparing a firework, it was 11:59, nearly midnight.

You stared, shocked, Kaneki showed no expression of him joking, he was serious. All you could do was stare at him, your face turned as red as a tomato.

Your world slowly crumbled and all you could hear is Hide counting down loudly in the background.




Kaneki leaned down and kissed you, your eyes widen. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Hide jumps excitedly in the background, not caring if you guys are looking. You start to kiss back, it was your first kiss, taken on new years.

He stopped and pressed his forehead against yours, "So... will you?"


Years later edit:The more I read my old chapters the more I become lemongrab jfc I'm a mess

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