[Clean] KanekixReader: Proposal

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Because this book needed yet another fluffy and probably the same way as the others, chapter. 

YAAAAAAAY MARRIAGE AND STUFF. One thing I'm looking forward to in marriage is the cake lol.


All week your boyfriend has been avoiding you, he doesn't reply to your calls or texts, making you feel neglected and lonely. Since you had a free day from work, you decided to call your best friend to hang out and have lunch. She immediately agreed and you got up to get ready before she came to pick you up. Once you got ready, the doorbell rang and you opened it to be greeted by her. 

"I hope you're up for some (Fav Food)~" She giggled excitedly while taking your hands in hers.

You rolled your eyes and smiled, "You know I'm always up for some of that!" you stick out your tongue playfully and followed her as she guided you to the restaurant. Once you reached your destination the both of you sit down at a table in the middle of the restaurant, mild chatter filled up the place as people talked to each other.

"Wow," you look around, "It's full today."

"Good thing we got these seats in the middle~" (Friend's Name) gave a mischievious smirk.

You nervously chuckled, a waiter came and served the food without even asking for the orders. "U-uh... We didn't order thi-"

"Thank you~" Your friend cut you off and thanked the waiter, he smiled and went back into the kitchen.

"W-wait but we didn't order this!" You looked at (Friend's Name) and she just whistled as if nothing weird happened. "How did he even know we were coming?" You looked at your food, finding the exact order you planned on getting. 

Your friend smirked and gave a satisfied sigh, "Let's just say it was planned..." Her answer gave you the chills, it sounded like a stalker type deal. The waiter came back and started to serve the drinks, he also places a beautiful jar full of flowers in the middle of the table, it had a letter on it but you didn't want to touch it in fear of a stalker or a weirdo trying to act smooth towards the both of you. When he left, your friend stood up, "I'm going to go use the restroom, wait for me, yeah?"

You hesitated, "Sure... Not like I'm going anywhere..." You mumble and she quickly leaves. After a while of waiting, you got bored and worried because the food was getting cold and your friend hasn't come back yet. Did she fall in the toilet again? You chuckle to yourself thinking of the time your best friend fell in the toilet, getting her behind stuck and wailing for you to help her. It was a hilarious situation for you since you always warned her to check if the seat was up, Kaneki would usually leave it up after he was done in the bathroom, she would never listen and that time she fell in. Shaking your head, your attention gets caught by the colorful flowers that were still on the table, you looked around seeing if there was someone looking at you when you didn't find anyone staring you quickly grab the note that was still on the flowers and opened it. 

Dear (Your Name),

You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Every day when I wake up I smile, knowing that you will be there sleeping next to me. Many people say that people aren't perfect, but to me you're the most perfect person in the world. I love you, (Your Name)

When you finished reading it your face was completely red, looking up, you see someone you knew too well. Kaneki was holding a red rose in his hands, his face was nearly covered in sweat and he loosened his bow tie. "(Y-Your Name)..." he hesitates and stutters all over the place. You try and stop yourself from laughing, knowing very well that he is trying his best to say something. "I love you so very much... a-and we've been together for 5 years now... s-so I-I wanted t-to ask you s-something v-very important..." Your eyes widen as he gets on one knee, the place suddenly gets quiet and all their eyes are on both of you, "Will you marry me?" He holds out the rose and in the middle of the rose was a beautiful ring, shining and glimmering in the lights.

You cover your mouth as your face swells up with tears of joy, "Yes!" You wipe some tears away and hug him tightly, he immediately hugs back, nuzzling your neck. The whole crowd cheers and claps for the both of you, making them smile at the cute couple and the sweet moment.

As the two of you hug you could hear one of the people in the crowd being louder than all of them, "YAAAS! THAT'S MY FRIEND! SHE SAID YES! LOOK AT HER! THAT PERSON IS MY FRIEND!" She would scream and cheer as her face was covered in tears. You lightly laugh into the hug and smiled. 

You couldn't be any more happier than you're now.


So as I was going through my instagram I saw one of the people that I was following complain about readers on wattpad always apologizing for the work that they've done. This isn't me bashing about them saying "Oh you're a giant dingdong! If it annoys you then don't read that!"

No, I am just trying to say that other people might think it's annoying as well since I say sorry in like every chapter I publish, I am not doing it for the pity or the attention. Yes, if I think its horrible then I should quit writing, but I don't. Why? Because it's great practice and I improve a lot knowing that people read my stuff, sometimes I get confusing which is why I ask of you, whoever is reading, to comment and tell me if I did a mistake and I will correct it, from that mistake I can learn to not do it. Now that's just my reason on to why I always apologize, but I hope the other writers that always saying sorry at the end of the works have the same general answer for it. 

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