[Clean] KanekixReader: Books

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So sorry it took me forever to update ;3;

I'm using my laptop and the wattpad update is so weird and confusing...


Reading was your favorite thing to do in your spare time. Since you love books so much you tend to hang out at the library very often, you and the librarian are at very friendly terms. Nearly all the books have been read by you, it was quite impressive how you read them all.

Another ordinary day as you sit in your favorite spot in the back of the library where no one will bother you, but something caught your eye this time. Two boys sit a couple of tables away from you, one boy with orange hair and one with black hair. The black hair boy sees you staring and stares back, his friend notices him and looks at what caught his attention. You blush and hide your face in your book, you hear a snicker from one of them, most likely from the orange haired boy. A few minutes pass and you couldn't help but take another peek at the boys, your face meets with the orange haired boy's face once more but this time he's at your table. You let out a small cry and fall off your chair, you rub your back from the fall. You look up you see a hand being offered to you by the black haired boy, you gladly accept it.

"I'm sorry that my friend scared you..." The black haired boy gives you a soft smile and the orange haired boy repeatedly apologizes. "Are you alright?" they both look at you with worried looks.

You give them a reassuring smile, "Y-yeah... I'm alright..." catching the black haired boy staring, he blushes and looks down.

"My name is Ka-" his friend cuts him off before he could finish.

"I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika! And this is my friend, Kaneki Ken!" He gives you a big smile, "but you can just call me Hide!"

You nod once and stand there awkwardly, reading books everyday made you have hard times speaking to people, every time you open your mouth to say something it gets stuck and only silence comes out.

Hide points at your book that is laying on the table. "I see that you're reading the same book as my friend Kaneki over here." He gives this look that you only managed to catch for a second towards Kaneki. "Do you like that Author's work?"

You decide to take the bait in the chat and try to talk about it, "Y-yeah! This is my favorite Author out of all of them in this library!" Starting to talk about books makes you get warmed up to them as you talk for hours about all the books you've read in this library.

~Time Skip~

Hide's smile never moved away as he kept staring at you and Kaneki talking endlessly about your favorite books. He suddenly got up and stretched, "It's getting late, I'm heading off to leave both of you here," he winks at Kaneki, making him blush lightly, "I'll see you at school tomorrow, Kaneki!" And like that, he ran towards the door, only to be scolded by the librarian for running.

"S-so..." Your gaze goes back to Kaneki, his face becomes redder by the minute, "Do you... w-want to meet here again sometime? I mean if... you're fine with it..." he looks down at his book, twiddling his thumbs.

You chuckle, "Yeah, I'm here almost all the time so its not a big deal." He looks up with a smile. You smile back until you realize what time it is. "Oh no its late! I didn't realize how much time has passed!" You frantically grabbed your books and put them into your bag. You hesitate to walk because of how dark it was, secretly you're afraid of the dark, none of your friends know in fear of them using that weakness against you for pranks.

Kaneki stood up slowly and looked at you cautiously, "Are... you okay...?"

"Uh... I um..." looking down, your face grows red with embarrassment. No one wants to say they're scared of the dark, so its not like its easy to admit. "I don't..."

"Would you like me to walk you home?" You look up to his cute smile, "I don't mind." You don't say anything, just a small nod was enough for him.

Both of you walk side by side, nearing the similar streets you walk by everyday. Some of the street lights were flickering, making you nervous, you grab Kaneki's sleeve without realizing it. Kaneki tries his best to keep himself calm as his heart rate goes extremely fast, it works but not for long. The flickering street light suddenly went out, making you gasp sharply. Your instincts kick in and you hug Kaneki, hiding your face in his chest, it felt... nice. The lights turn back on but both of you remain in the same position for a while, its quiet.

"S-sorry!" You back away, "I didn't-"

"N-no don't apologize!" He waves his hands, he sees you about to trip and he goes to catch you, his face close to yours as you look into each others eyes in shock. It all happened too fast, both of you met today, but it felt so right.

Luckily nothing intimate happened after that, both of you are in front of your house. It was the best day ever, even if it got extremely weird almost half of the time, but in the end it was kinda fun in your opinion.

"Thank you for walking me home..." your smile, "I'll wait for you in the library." You quickly give him a hug and run up to your house. Something tells you that this is the start of a romantic relationship.


YAY DONE. Gosh darn it I do like one or two sentences everyday and so I lag at the other books I'm currently making ;-;

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