[Clean] KanekixReader: Regrets

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Idk I'm not good with making people feel bad ;-;


Will this pain ever go away?

No... I guess not...

Why would it? I made a terrible choice...

One that I would regret for the rest of my life...

and it did


"Stop hiding your feelings, (Y/N)." It has become a usual routine among the both of you, Hide would always pester you with having feelings for Kaneki, you never told him, but he somehow knew, it's as if he can easily read you like a book. 

"Once again Hide, I don't have that type of feeling towards him." You calmly say as you flip through your book.

He sighs and lays his head down, "It will be too late to confess..." he says under his breath. You flinch but ignore his comment and keep reading.

For almost an hour he kept showing pictures of you and kaneki hanging out that he secretly took while all of you stayed in the library. This made you slightly angry since he took those without permission and refuses the delete them.

"I might frame these and hang them on my room~" Hide teased, you puffed out your cheeks, trying not to get angry at your closest friend. "Kaneki might get asked out if you keep being stubborn."

"Once again I am not in love with him," You search for your notebook, "I never even told you how I felt towards him anyway."

"Aha! So you might have some kind of deep feeling for him!" Hide points and laughs, this made you angry, it was dumb how you would keep things to yourself, but it wasn't any different to Hide poking his nose into your business and constantly on you about Kaneki.

Fed up with him constantly on your back, you slammed your notebook on your table to catch Hide's attention, it did and startled him, making him turn pale. "I DO NOT- I REPEAT- DO NOT LOVE KANEKI AND I NEVER WILL!" You tried to ease your breathing and calm down, you looked at the door and saw him.

Kaneki was standing there shocked and scared of you and your sudden burst of anger. He stood there quietly for a full 2 minutes and walked out without a word, Hide went after him but not before he glanced at you with his poker-faced expression. 

You groan in frustration, your actions made you disgusted with yourself. Screaming at Hide is one thing but hurting Kaneki brings things to another level. In conclusion, you went after Kaneki as well in order to apologize, maybe even confess your feelings in the process. Of course it isn't going to go that smoothly, it never does, even after you said those hurtful words.

The only place you thought Kaneki would run to is the roof, it was always the nice quiet space he would hide in during breaks. His nice quiet spot that he showed you and Hide...

You went up the stairs and met Hide guarding the door, looking at you, nothing else. His face now showed emotion, he was sad, nearly to the point where he would start to cry. "You know..." He hesitated, "I didn't mean to get on your nerves..."

Slowly walking towards him, you tried to hug him, "H-hide... I'm-" He raised his hand to both stop you from hugging him and to finish your sentence.

"Kaneki didn't want me to tell you this, but..." He sighed, "He loved you, a lot, it was obvious that you loved him back. Hearing you scream that broke his heart, you shouldn't apologize to me, tell him how you feel instead." and with that he left you there in front of the door.

You didn't move, you just stood there.

"It will be too late to confess..."

That lingered in your mind, shaking your head, you open the door. Kaneki stood at the end, looking up at the sky, he slowly looked towards you when he heard the noise of the door opening. 

He smiled.

"Kaneki..." You walked towards him and he waited. Once you reached his side you opened your mouth to say something, but he stops you.

He hands you a wrapped box, you stare at it in confusion. "You said how you felt, and I understand. I'm not okay... but I will smile anyway, for you and for me." He smiled once more and started to walk towards to door. You quickly turn around and try to say how you felt, everything you wanted to tell him, but you just stood there.

"It will be too late..."

You watched him in slow-motion, seeing him leave, seeing your only chance... leave. The next day, he didn't come to school, you waited, but he never came back, not even Hide.

You were alone.

"Too late..."

~End of flashback~

Why didn't I tell him...

I hesitated and didn't listen...

You stared down at the wrapped gift that Kaneki gave you, you never opened it, but now that its the end of the line, you decided to open it. When you opened it, all there was in the box is a small heart locket. You opened the locket and saw those three words.

Those three words YOU should have said to him back then.

I love you.


Hahaaaaaa sorry not sorry \(;v;)/

FFFFFRIK Trigun made me cry like a little bitch ;-; No wonder I stopped watching it 80% of the way.

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