[Clean] KanekixReader: Pocky Game

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Inspired by my cabinet filled with pocky~

For those of you who don't know, the pocky game consists of 2 people that are very close like best friends or romantic partner. You each put one end of the pocky stick in your mouths and slowly eat pieces of it until your lips nearly meet. Whoever chickens out doesn't get the last piece of the pocky.

I mean that's how I think it goes... But anyway~ Here you go :0


You happily grabbed the box of pocky and left the corner store. The man behind the counter smiled and waved "Have a nice day!"

"Thank you!" You smiled and went to your house. When you opened the door, you got tackled into a hug by Hide, "H-HIDE!?"

"(YOUR NAME)~" Hide clings onto you like a koala and doesn't show any signs of letting go.

"Hide! You're heavy!" You struggle to get lose but it only makes you fall with him still holding on. Sighing in frustration, you let him get it out of his system until he will finally let you go. When he lets go you stand up to brush off dirt from your pants, "What are you doing here? and how did you get inside my house?" You asked concerned.

"You left your upstairs bedroom window open~" He says with a mischievous smirk.

"But that's my... room..." He simply nods and walks back inside your house as if he did nothing wrong. You go in after him and find Kaneki sitting on the couch watching TV, "You're here too?"

He nods, "Hide told me to come here and I found him inside alone. I asked him why and he only told me that you went out to buy something."

"Well he was right about me going out to buy something but I didn't invite you guys over!" You pout and get tackled once again but this time from behind.

"Please don't be mad at us!" Hide whines like a child and holds onto your waist. "I was bored and only wanted to hang out with my best friends!"

Your face slowly turned red at his cute childlike personality and groaned, "I'm not mad... just... don't do it again."

He cheered for joy and all 3 of you sat on the couch to watch TV. Hide would occasionally grab a bowl full of buttery popcorn and sit between you and Kaneki to share it. They were enjoying the time with you while eating nothing but popcorn, you, on the other hand, wanted to have the delicious pocky that you bought from the store. You went to grab it, Hide saw you holding it and he smiled widely at it.

He turns off the TV and snatches the pocky from your hands, "Anyone up to play the pocky game?~" He smirks right at you.

You shrug, "Yeah I'm up to play it."

Kaneki looks at both of you with a nervous expression, "P-Pocky game?"

"You know it right, Kaneki?~" Hide nudges Kaneki, making him turn red.

"Let's play already!" You whine, you only wanted to eat some pocky and this was the only way to get it.

Hide laughs and pulls Kaneki to the carpet floor where you guys were going to play. "Let's do rock paper scissors to see who the first 2 will go!" You nod and play against them. You win the first round against both of them and Kaneki wins the second round against Hide. Deep inside, you felt Hide lost that round on purpose.

Both of you sit across from each other and put the pocky in your mouth, he does the same and looks into your eyes, you look back and suddenly get nervous. Hide merely watched with a huge grin and pumped his hands up and down as if cheering. You started to munch on your side since both of you did nothing, he did the same and suddenly your lips are centimeters apart, he chickens out and you internally face palm.

"Aw, weak." Hide mutters and stops his cheering.

"Your turn Hide! I won so I get to go again." You triumphantly smirked. Deep inside you felt disappointed that Kaneki didn't continue. Hide smiles and sits across from you and Kaneki just sits, hugging his legs close to him.
Hide doesn't waste time and puts one end of the pocky in his mouth. When you put the other end of the pocky in your mouth he immediately eats it all and kisses you, biting off the pocky that connected both of you. You stare in pure shock from his sudden actions and turn bright red. He only laughs as he munches the pocky he ate.

"I guess we both win~" Hide smirks and looks at Kaneki. "Try beating that!"

Kaneki pouts after coming to his senses, "I wasn't ready and you know it!"

Hide rolls his eyes and pushes you two together, making you guys accidentally kiss, "There! Now we're even!"

You guys move away and steam practically was coming out of his ears as his face turned as red as a tomato. You fell over and covered your face to hide your red face, "AGH! I'M NEVER GOING TO PLAY THE POCKY GAME WITH YOU GUYS EVER AGAIN!"


I kinda tried to give you a chill personality instead of that always innocent and shy kind of girl you're welcome.

Double the action once again awwww yeh~

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