[Dirty?] KanekixReader: Dirty Actions

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Hi, guys... I'm back... You guys are like the nicest, cutest little potatoes ever ;v; Y'all supported me and thanks to your comments I smiled and felt loved~

I wanted to show you a little image of his expression while doing his... "Deeds" but I wasn't up for doing extra work to make the picture perfectly in the chapter aaaaand btw he's not a ghoul!


Kaneki had a day off from work and you decided to surprise him with your home cooked food. The happy thoughts of his smile when he tastes your food made you blush. He always enjoyed your food and that made you happy.

You've met Kaneki through school since you needed help with studying. He was the top student so it was an obvious choice to ask him for help. Over time, you developed a crush on him because of his kind and caring personality. It was nice because he got comfortable talking with you, unlike the first couple times you guys studied. He was a stuttering mess when you asked him for help, it was cute in a way.

You had your books in your backpack just to use as an excuse to stay with him. When you walked to the front door you didn't bother knocking as you grabbed the extra key that was underneath the welcome mat. You opened the door and see his shoes by the entrance, so you knew he was in. Excusing yourself, you took off your shoes and walked to the living room, only to not find him there, the whole house was quiet now that you notice it. You put your backpack on the couch and looked around.

It got you worried and you decided to search the kitchen, his house wasn't very big so now the only room that was left was his bedroom, as you walked up to the door you find it slightly open. You were about to push it open until you heard a light moan coming from the other side. The noise made you freeze and make the color from your face vanish.

What the hell?  You put your ear against the door to make sure you heard correctly and surely enough another small moan came from the other side. Your might went wild with what he could be doing. Tears were about to form at the corner of your eyes, thinking that he is with a woman, but all you could hear was his voice. Then it hit you, what if he's...

A moan that was louder than the others suddenly interrupted your thoughts, you couldn't take it anymore and peeped in at the small crack of the door. You immediately regretted it as your face grew red hot at the sight that you're witnessing.

Kaneki was playing with his pickle.

His face showed clear pleasure as his face is completely red and his breathing is uneven. His eyes are half-open and his mouth is wide. You could see that he was saying something but you weren't sure what it was. "(Y-Your Name)..." He moaned out loud and squeezed on the pillow he was holding with his other hand that wasn't busy. For some reason your body didn't move as you kept staring at him, your face was practically letting off steam and you covered your mouth with your hand to prevent any gasps from escaping. "Ah... (Your Name)..." He closed his eyes, "It feels... so good...." He held onto the pillow tightly as he worked his magic.

Your mind finally came back to its senses and told you to get out as quickly as possible. Your body was still shaking like crazy as you tried to pick up your backpack, making you drop it. The loud thump made the whole house quiet, even in the bedroom. You panicked and went to the kitchen, you planned on acting like you just got to his place and didn't know what he was doing earlier. A couple of thumps could be heard from the bedroom and you knew very well that he was panicking too.

"H-H-Hello?" You looked at the hallway and see Kaneki's head popping out of the door. "(Y-Y-Your Name)!? W-w-what a-are you d-doing here?" His face was still pure red and is clearly now sweating from both what he was doing earlier and from you suddenly coming in.

Your heart was pounding and now your whole body was red as you tried to act cool, "Oh h-hey Kaneki!" You gulped and took out the food, showing it to him, "I came t-to bring y-you some of m-my food!"

He didn't show more than his head because he was still completely naked and had to act fast, "A-al-alright... Uh- I'll b-be out i-in a sec." He went back into his room, probably to put on some clothes and clean up, he was indeed a stuttering mess. More than he was when he first talked to you.

You quickly went to the sink and washed your face with icy cold water, luckily your face cooled down. There would be thumps and loud noises coming from his room, he clearly was panicking. He came out in sweats and a large t-shirt, he didn't say anything as he quickly sat down on the table and looked down. His face never cooled down and his body was tense. You decided to serve him some of the food and sit down across from him. It was an extremely awkward silence as you both chowed down on the food, he barely ate any.

The silence was driving you crazy so you decided to try and talk to him. "S-So..." Your voice cracked and you mentally slapped yourself, "Is the... food good?" You smiled and it was very obvious that you forced it.

"Y-yes..." He doesn't bother looking up and pokes the rice, "It's... delicious," He kept fidgeting in his seat, as if he was uncomfortable.

"Would you like something to drink?" You started to get up, he only nodded. You grabbed two bottles of (Fav Flavour) drinks that he had in his fridge. "H-here." You put his drink by him and he suddenly grabbed your wrist.

You froze and he pulled you in for a sudden kiss. Your face heated up all red and he merely continued on with the kiss. The kiss got all steamy as he inserted his tongue into your mouth, he did it so roughly that you secretly liked it. When he finally broke away to get some air he looked into your eyes. "You saw me," He leaned in, "Didn't you"

"I-I-I didn't mean to-" He kissed you again roughly and made you sit on his lap. "K-K-KANEKI!" You panicked as you felt his bulge. His eyes were full of lust, his innocent and gentle personality was gone.

He leaned in again and whispered into your ear, "I'm going to have to punish you." He bites your neck, leaving hickeys and rubs your hips. Making you whimper and moan.

That day made you lose your ability to walk for a couple of days.


I'M SORRY THAT WAS TOO FUNNY FOR ME "Playing with his pickle" OMFG I NEARLY CRIED WITH LAUGHTER I'M SO DUMB. Look at me laughing at my own joke lmao I'm so sad.

Haha no smex for you~

As you may have or haven't noticed I reached over the 100 followers count!  I came back for a sec and say thank you so much for all the love and support all of you have given me :) 

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