[Clean] KanekixReader: The Note

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Idk this was originally the plot for the 'Ghouls' chapter but I didn't find it suiting enough for it.


You've always visited a cute coffee shop by your apartment because the food there was delicious and it was always peacefully quiet, but the main reason was for the boy that works there, and his name is Kaneki. His cute smile, his laugh, his personality, his everything was perfect to you. Sitting down at your usual spot in the back by the window, he walks up with his signature smile.

"Welcome back! Do you want the usual order?" He says with his cute happy attitude.

You couldn't help but blush and smile, "Yes, that would be great." Nodding, he leaves to get your usual order.

Minutes later, he comes back with a tray of (F/Drink), "Your (F/Cake) will be ready shortly."

"Thank you!" You smile. Taking a sip, you let out a sigh of satisfaction at how delicious it tastes and fall in love with it.

You look at the register and see Kaneki with the female workers whispering and doing something odd. Ignoring it, you go back to your drink, slowly drinking to savor the taste. He walks up with a very red face and hands you, your (F/Cake). The tray with the cake had a small note on it and you make a confused face. What's this?

Grabbing the little note, you look up to ask what it was about, but Kaneki was nowhere to be found, you shrug and open the paper.

Will you go out with me?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Ps: leave the note on the table.

Your face turns red but shake it off, and eat your cake. What should I write? Should I even answer? What if it's a prank?...

Many things raced through your head but decide to shrug it off and answer.

[×] Yes
[ ] No

You also put your number and email on the piece of paper. Once you were done with your piece of (F/Cake), you get the bill and pay for your delicious treat. You slowly walk out the door and look at him from the corner of your eye, he eyes you as he nervously sweats. Once you walk out of the cafe you hear a very loud cheer coming from the cafe, you laugh and walk back to your home.

~*Spongebob narrator voice* 2 hours later~

Laying on your bed, you plop your face onto your giant (F/Color) teddy bear and start to doze off until your phone rings. You jump up in pure terror and fall to the ground, groaning and muttering curses under your breath, you reach for your phone and see it's an unsaved contact.

You compose yourself and tried to sound professional, "This is (Y/N) Speaking." No one responds, "Hello?" No response.

You felt a bit uneasy by the quiet end of the phone so you were about to hang up until you hear stuttering, "H-h-hello (Y-y/N)." You realize it's Kaneki and you stop yourself from giggling because at how adorable he sounds. "Th-thank y-you for writing b-back..."

You accidentally let out the giggle you suppressed and smiled even though he can't see it over the phone, "The note was very cute! I was never asked out like that before..." You blush.

"R-really? You thought it was cute?" His voice is filled with so much hope and happiness that it made your smile grow wider. He does a short but super adorable laugh and you can't help but blush even deeper SOOO CUTE!, "I'm glad y-you liked it... I was scared that you would reject it..."

"No, I would never reject a date from you!" Realizing a bit too late at what you just said, you immediately regret it. "A-ANYWAY uh- What do you have planned..?" You quickly try to change the subject, but what you didn't know is that Kaneki was completely flustered at the other end of the phone.

"I have a couple of places planned just in case you said yes," he stops talking so it gets quiet and you start to worry.

You hear muffled noises and papers being moved, "Kankei?"

"Ah, sorry, I was getting my list... heheh..." He wrote it all down? Aww, cute!  "I don't want to ruin the surprise so I won't say anything," He says confidently.

"Hmph, you're no fuuun~" You look around your room for a second to think, "When and where do we meet?" You simply say. Since he won't tell you, you might as well ask for the details.

The date was on a Saturday, waiting patiently outside the shop, you glance at all the people that pass by with happy smiles. The day was clear and luckily nothing will go wrong.

He walks out and sees you standing by the entrance, seeing you in your (Think of an outfit because once again i'm not good at fashion and I dress like a hobo) Looking at how cute you looked, he couldn't help but feel nervous because the date might not go so well and you accepted the invitation out of pity. You turn to see him and notice his uneasy expression, you smile and grab onto his hand to calm him down.

"Where are we going to go?" Since he didn't tell you about the plans and you're going with him blindly your curiosity was killing for answers. (There was a way to phrase that correctly, but I couldn't figure it out)

"O-oh yeah, follow me." His breathing relaxes and he feels just at confident as he was over the phone. You both walk at a slow yet peaceful pace towards who knows where, smiling at the thought of having a date, but you can't help the scary feeling of someone watching you.

The both of you reach a small restaurant, the red walls and big windows make it stand out from all the other shops and food places. Going inside, the tables had white cloth over them and little candles in the middle, few people were there so it was mostly quiet besides the occasional clank of silverware "AW!" You accidentally say out loud, covering your mouth.

"I-I hope this is fine..." Kaneki averts his eyes and took your reaction in a bad way.

"YES THIS-" You calm down and smile, "Yes, this is fine." 

Hours pass and you're having a wonderful time with Kaneki, the creepy feeling of being stalked went away after Kaneki came back from the sudden bathroom break. You asked him why it took him so long but he just nervously laughed and said that there was a line. The day was still young so the both of you decide to go to the park and sit at one of the benches. No one spoke, it was just the both of you sitting and watching people walk. You felt something on top of your hand and tense up, looking to your side, you see Kaneki looking straight ahead at nothing and blushing furiously. You left it like that and enjoyed the warm, soft feeling of his hand.

~Time Skip Because why not~

Kaneki was kind enough to escort you home since it was getting dark and had to call it a day. "Thank you for taking me out, Kaneki." You say quietly.

"Ah, You're welcome..." He hesitates, "Listen... I um..." His voice cracks a little and he looks down.

"What's wrong?" You stop walking, curious as to what he wants to say.

"I was nervous... When I wrote that letter, Touka encouraged me to write it," He took a big breath "I was scared that you would reject me or hate the date... when I read that you accepted it, I was so happy..." He looks at you with a big smile, and tears slowly forming at the corners of his eyes. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Will you go out with me again...?"



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