A Thank You

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I know what some of y'all are thinking. You're either tired of me not updating or simply annoyed with these thank you's. But I have to express my love for my Amaryllises somehow.

I don't know if it's because I have low self-confidence or what, but I honestly didn't expect many people to move from Property of a Gordon to this story. I know a lot of y'all were just Scarlan/Snowfall lovers and decided to try the story. It's amazing that you would even do that.

To be honest, I've actually enjoyed writing this story more than Property of a Gordon. I love the whole unbalanced relationship Ivy and Kai have and the fact some of you are wary about choosing a ship. And you should be, by the way. It's so much fun playing with the story through Ivy's eyes, as she's so much more different than the characters I'm used to, ones like Snowflake.

So for those of you reading this and those who decided to just skim through, even I don't know how this story is going to end. Like there are so many ways and I am so very tempted to end it one way, but I also know some people wouldn't be too happy.

So thank you for allowing me to share this story with you. Thank you for joining Ivy's journey, for watching her struggle to live a life outside her leap's boundaries. Thank you for watching Kai attempt to make sense of how outside the leap; his relationship with Ivy isn't as it was before. Thank you for seeing Cayne try to deal with the both of them, and supplying endless patience towards them.

This story is less action-packed than the other, but it's also a little deeper. So thank you for bearing with me as I try to navigate this story and all its creations.

Thank you for those threatening, loving comments. Thank you for those endless abundance of votes. Thank you for those ineffable reads, and those silly reading lists you add this story to.

Most of all, thank you for dealing with my inconstant updates. Thank you for never tearing me apart. I can honestly say I have the best group of fans because of this. Thank you for continuing to come back and not giving up when I sometimes do and lose motivation. Thank you, thank you.

I can already tell you I'm SO VERY SORRY, but I'm going to forget people. There are so very many of you, and these are done off the top of my head. In no particular order:

CKJ664 I have to thank my BAE, my jumbu, my spots and partner in crime. I could spend this whole page talking and thanking you, but imma save that for the letter I'm sending you. So shortly, thank you for dealing with me, and for being there for me and talking to me and reading me that book. Thank you thank you thank you. I'm ever-grateful you ended up choosing friendship that day. <3 I love you so much!

Myeerrz I know you aren't the biggest fan of the story, but thank you for sticking around. And thank you for being an amazing friend of mine, one that I'm so very grateful to have. I really hope your publishing journey goes well, as you deserve it :) And I, of course, love you too

mgtd33, bestmom60: Both of you are the foundation of my ever growing ego. You both have never said a bad word towards my writing, and also have such kind words to say. I promise you I don't know how my ego would make it throughout my stories without you two. I always await your comments or even just your votes, which never fail to bring a smile to my face. You both have such a way with words, and I'm glad I'm not on the wrong side of them. So thank you

maejestic: I don't know if you're also reading this story, but I still have to thank you! Your covers are so, so beautiful! I don't think I'll ever change them, so thank you. When Property of a Gordon is in the top ten, it's usually the only light colored cover, which makes me smile, as it stands out. I don't know how you have such a touch, but I'm grateful for it.

janelicious: Future godparent <3 We've both been busy, but you still manage to leave me comments in an abundance, so thank you. I hope all is well with you and that you know I never forget you, no matter what

samandalee: I've missed you also, but I understand that life probably has you doing all sorts of things. So thank you for popping by and taking time out of your day to leave comments still. I also won't ever forget you :)

SUnnybunny_Oney, Calliehohaia, Anthonia2, Starfire_Wolf, Glitterynights3: All of you guys have graced both Property of a Gordon and Patience of a Gordon with your lovely presences. I can't thank you enough for that! Your comments made me laugh or brought a smile to my face. So thank you.

Superman7625, Lasagna_lover21, writterjunkie, kittycatrobber, ForeveranAsian, riri_97, xoSweetsox, Maii86, Chocolatebunnie1, FrostishGeek: All of you have shown your constant presence through your votes. I always see them and expect them now haha. It means so much to me that you guys do so, and continue to vote on each chapter. So thank you.

ms-awesome-cookie: Of course, I have to thank you. Thank you for reading over my rewrite material and for being such a support of everything. Your language completely confused me and still does, but that's okay. I hope all is well with you and school :)

xxwolfsxx: I'm so glad you offered your help with the Estonian words, as I was too afraid of messing them up. Thank you for your grace and not yelling at me for messing one of the words up. You really have no idea how much it means that you've offered to help me with the words.

The Original Property of a Gordon Group: When I say this, I mean those who were here before the story was finished, those who were there helping me through my struggles of that story. Thank you for sticking with me through the thick and the thin and for dealing with my typos and mess of chapters. Always remember, you guys were there first and here first, and I cannot say how much this awes me. You were the reason this story was started and is still going on.

The New Property of a Gordon Group: When I say this, I mean those who were there after the story finished, when there was that spontaneous explosion of readers. You guys have nearly doubled my reads, votes, and comments. You're a crazy bunch, let me tell you that. You were able to breeze through Property of a Gordon, so you aren't aware of my horrid updating skills. But you will be xD Thank you for the newfound support, something I love and admire.

The Commenters: You guys are also a crazy group. You either want to kill of Kai and are tired of his mess, or you just want Prince Gordon to go away and never return. There are so many more emotions running through this story, and it's funny and amusing to watch. Thank you for your passion in the story, for the considerate and ineffable words about my writing. Thank you for showing your support for the story and for dealing with my late responses. Thank you so much.

The Voters: Its usually the same people, and I've gotten used to waiting for your votes. I love that you guys make yourselves apparent through that, and I'm thrilled you guys either remember to or enjoy the story enough to click that little star. Thank you for supporting this story through that, and I can't thank you enough.

The Readers: This is basically everyone, but I'm mostly talking to the silent ones. Thank you for reading the story. Thank you for reading this far, and for being here. It means so very much, and I love you, even if all you're doing is reading the chapters or simply just a sentence.

Thank each and every one of you! Thank you so very much and I hope you continue to enjoy my writing, and that I don't ever disappoint you. I hope you all achieve your dreams, as you each deserve to. You guys have so much passion, show me so much passion, and I cannot thank you enough.

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