Twenty Facts

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1) I knew it when I was writing, but this book is factually incorrect. Snow Leopards are solitary creatures, therefore they don't actually have a group name. A 'leap' is just a group of common leopards.

2) I did consider not including Kai in the story. But I decided against it because I couldn't see Ivy being very willing to cooperate with Cayne. She'd be in too much shock. I feel that Kai gave her the balance she needed.

3) Originally, the story was going to be completely different. Ivy was going to be found in a trap by Cayne's hunters and they would bring her back instead of a Protector, as Cayne wanted them to do. He allowed them to keep her as a house pet of sorts, saying she could get killed if they found out she was a shapeshifter. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the idea wouldn't have worked.

4) Patience of a Gordon was supposed to be the sad one. I wanted to base it off of a quote from Cayne in Property of a Gordon. When he's talking to Snowflake at his parent's house he says, "you will only be hurt in the aftermath" when talking about Snowflake and Kendall's relationship. I wanted him to say that because he knew from personal experience. But I changed a few things and it wasn't as likely to happen. I also loved the idea of Ivy and Cayne too much haha.

5) I was actually surprised by the division between the Kai lovers and Cayne lovers. I thought Cayne would immediately get all the love since he was a Gordon boy and I know y'all love them ;) but Kai ended up stealing some of your hearts, which was great!

6) Somewhere in the world (on my phone) there is an r-rated chapter for Kai and Ivy, and an r-rated chapter for Cayne and Ivy.

7) the scream at the end of chapter 22 was added because it felt right and I didn't know how to end the chapter. However, when I posted it, I was as lost as y'all because I didn't know where the scream had come from.

8) SO originally as I said Ivy wasn't going to end up with Cayne. It would be too hard for her to go against her leaps ideas and whatnot and she would stay with Kai and live a life she felt she was made to live. I actually feel this matches her personality more BUT for this version I gave y'all Cayne and Ivy. However, when I rewrite it'll most likely have this ending.

9) Kai's name is a recycled one! I have a story called "Cellar" in my computer about an Aspen and Kai but I didn't get far with it so I chose to use the name for something else and I'm glad I did. Kai's name definitely fits him.

10) I feel I majorly fucked up this story omg. Like I loved the concept and everything but then it turned into a huge MESS. That's the main reason I stopped writing it for a bit. So most likely when I rewrite the beginning will be the same, but there will be major changes to the rest.

11) In the rewrite, Cayne will most likely be the one to call her sudame. He'll try learning her language and confuse it for my dear or something.

12) For those that didn't catch it, Vex is Lex's sister. In the Property rewrite, I explain it a bit but she's going to adore Calyx so she's constantly at his palace and whatnot.

13) Vex meets Kai when she's crying after being rejected by Calyx yet again. He has no interest in her and won't act on her feelings because he respects Lex. And that's how the two of them become close.

14) Cayne's horse, Spirit, is named after The horse from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. The movie WAS AND IS MY LIFE. I make everyone watch it so if you haven't then you need to omg. The soundtrack is a beautiful bonus.

15) Patience of a Gordon marks my fifth first draft story finished, or my fifth completed story.

16) It's a little hard to tell because I started this story on paper and the revision history on Wattpad is a little crazy, but Patience of a Gordon was definitely started early on in the year 2015. When did I start Property then omg.

17) So at the end, my plan was to kill Kai. However, I thought about Ivy's personality and I knew if Kai died, she'd feel guilt and responsibility for his death. Thus, she most likely would leave the palace and try desperately to find some way to honor her leap. Because of her personality, I actually didn't do a few things I had planned!

18) I did start writing this story out in a journal but stopped Bc I left the journal at home and I was at college. The journal was blue, Property was red, so I think Calyx's is going to be green.

19) When I first started the story, I didn't want the main suspect to be Martin. I wanted this story to be a chance for Martin to redeem himself and become a better person but I felt it didn't really suit his character and I got too sidetracked to find another antagonist.

20) I had this dang story outlined yet it still took me forever to actually write. I'm better at writing beginnings than endings for some reason so I always stall finishing up stories, including this one obviously haha.

21) So to honor the story I'll be growing an ivy plant! My mom has one and she said if I take a leaf and plant it in water it'll grow roots and I can start my own. FYI: my amaryllis' all died but one omg. There was some disease and they all caught it and I saved them temporarily before they frickin died and one survived how sad.

22) The BEAUTIFUL language used in this story is Estonian. I think I stumbled upon it when I was looking for a word to use for "heart". I found "süda" to sound the smoothest and looked up other words in estonian. I hope to learn more about the language, even after this story finishes. 

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