Chapter Thirty Eight

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The last chapter, my HEART. I hope you guys enjoy and thank you all so much for giving this story and chance and staying with my throughout its journey. There will be an epilogue and a few others things added later!

Chapter Thirty Eight

I had not felt such dread since I had watched the village I grew up in burn down in flames. Yet, standing here by Kai, waiting for Prince Gordon, it was present. It crawled slowly through my body, taking pleasure in amplifying the uneasy feeling that had rooted itself in my bones.

The two of us were headed toward Calyx's palace, to retrieve Kai's things and so he could say goodbye to the friends he'd made. From there, neither of us were sure what we would do.

Kai has seldom talked on the way to my room, but stayed by my side, only watching as I packed. It was the reason the unease had found a place to grow. We had walked out of the palace, silence still accompanying us. It helped to be outside, surrounded by the air, but not much.

It was not until I heard his footsteps as he walked in our direction, that I felt more at ease. I smiled, running over to him without thought.

When I reached him, my arms wrapped around his torso and I nearly clung to him. I could feel him shake with a smooth laugh before his own arms found my body, bringing us closer together. We were silent for a few brief seconds, enjoying the moment.

"Päästja," I started, prepared to tell him that I would miss her dearly and would be sure to visit if he allowed me too. However, my words were cut off by a choking sound that escaped my throat, tears blurring my vision before I realized I was crying.

I looked up at him, surprised before I opened my mouth in an attempt to start again. He simply shook his head, the somber smile making its return. "It will only make this harder, my dear," he whispered, reaching up to brush away the few tears that had fallen.

I tilted my head, my nose running along his. I could hear his heart pick up its' pacing at the small movement, heart how his breath caught in his throat. I could see his eyes drift close as a sigh escaped him and feel his hand move to my cheek, his thumb rubbing it softly.

"I think it would be best if you left before I forget that is what you are doing," he whispered, as if reluctant to enforce his words with volume.

I nodded, his words stinging me, but I understood his reasoning. The longer the both of us lingered behind with one another, the harder it would be when I finally left. It was already hard enough for me and I could not bear the thought of making things more difficult for him.

"I will see you again?" I said, the words more of a question. I studied him, seeing him nod before his smile left his face.

"Yes, we will meet again. Until then, I would like you to remember something. You have called me your savior, Ivy, but failed to realize you are mine as well. You are my-" he paused, a fleet feeling of happiness filling me as I watched him sound out the word. "-päästja, my dear. You have saved me from myself and I will not forget that."

I laughed, burying my face in his chest, hoping that he did not notice the new flow of tears. But he sighed before saying, "Please do not cry. I do not want your sad expression to be the last I see of you until next time."

I smiled, pulling away to quickly wipe away my tears before meeting his eyes once more. I could see that he was hiding behind a mask himself, the smile not reaching his eyes. It was not the soft one I had grown familiar with either but seemed to be stitched in place, waiting until I was gone before it was torn apart.

"Do not allow yourself to forget the pleasures of life, päästja." I grabbed his hand in both of mine, rubbing it for a moment, before pressing my lips against it.

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