Chapter Thirty One

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Wouldn't you all love it if school didn't exist for me omg. ANOTHER UPDATE BOOM. Six chapters left! Off to write the next one. Enjoy! Last few chapters are dedicated to readers!

Chapter Thirty One

The feeling of being in his arms was just a comforting as I remembered, sweepings away all my worries. I hugged him tightly, missing the familiarity and warmth he provided me. I hadn't realized until now just how lonely I had been.

"Südame, I've missed you. It is easy to forget who I am when I do not have my süda around to remind me," he whispered, his lips resting on my hair. I smiled, taking his scent which I had gone so long without.

"I missed my lumeleopard just as much, kullake. How have you been, Kai?" I asked him, pulling away enough that I could see him.

He looked the same, but there was a noticeable difference in his expression. Where he had once worn constant worry, fear, and anger, there was now a more gentle, softer feel to him. It was as if being away from me had cleared away his stress, bringing light and youth to his face. He looked happier than ever.

"I've been well. As well as I could be without you," he said with a smile, the sight infectious and bringing one to my own face. I leaned closer, running my nose along his, watching as his smile only grew. "Ah, how I've missed you," he whispered, again, pressing his lips against my nose.

He looked closer at me before frowning briefly. "What are you wearing?" he asked, disapproval in his tone. I chose to ignore him, quickly changing the subject. I was not interested in arguing with him over something trivial.

"Have you made many friends? I've heard all about how charming you are from those residing in Prince Gordon's land," I teased, watching as he wrinkled his nose, causing me to laugh.

He sighed, his face turning thoughtful as he answered. "The enforcers here as just as stiff as the ones there, although they appear more accepting of me. I've made one friend," he said, staring off in thought.

I tilted my head, curious. "Oh? Where are they?" I asked, scanning the room as if his friend would magically appear. When I turned back towards Kai there was now a frown on his face and he let me go. My own smile disappeared, afraid I had done something wrong.

"She's most likely chasing after the Prince as she always does. He's not worth her time," he muttered, his eyes narrowed into slits designed for Calyx, I assumed.

I smiled again at the thought of him. "He's quite charismatic. How is living with him?" I asked, watching as his eyes flickered to me before he growled lightly. I stiffened, unsure of how to react. Something was off between Kai and me now. I couldn't understand his reactions.

"Stay the hell away from him. He's a flirt who uses woman until he becomes bored of them. That's exactly what he is doing with her, yet she doesn't realize it," he started, looking at me. "She's as dense as you are towards Cayne's ways, he added, and I frowned, growing upset.

"Kai, I do not understand why you are so-" I started, feeling the beginnings of yet another argument. Before I could continue, I was interrupted by an excited voice.

"Whiskers, I know you're around here. Calyx told me-" I watched as a girl rounded the corner, blushing when her eyes landed on Kai and I. I blinked, looking between the two of them.

"Whiskers?" I asked, hiding a smile at the nickname. Kai glared at me, a growl building within his throat, causing me to laugh. The girl joined in, deciding it was safe to join our conversation as she walked closer.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Vex. You must be the Ivy that Kai talked about so much," she greeted, offering her hand. I smiled, taking it and shaking it.

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