Chapter Thirty

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If y'all have any song ideas for a playlist, post below. I'll be putting a playlist and some facts about this story at the end! Dedicated to mah best frand for always skyping me and loving me.

Chapter Thirty

Today, the sisters had chosen something more formal for me. It was much different than what I was used to wearing, which consisted of dresses and other frilly things. However, they kept true to the white theme.

They had chosen a pair of pristine white slacks and an equally white cropped top that was sleeveless and heart shaped at the top. They'd presented a pair of white heels to go with it while voting that my hair should be done in a high ponytail.

I had asked them why I was dressed so differently today and they'd told me Calyx's land was much different than either brother's. I'd asked them what to expect and they just laughed before telling me his world was one headed towards the future while everyone else had no desire to leave the past. Once they left, I was more confused than ever.

"It's time to leave!" This was yelled from the other side of the door by an enforcer. I sighed, glancing in the mirror. I felt odd and exposing, yet I enjoyed the change. It was different, but not so much so that I did not feel comfortable.

I finally exited, noting that it had still been quite some time since I'd last seen my päästja. Besides his help with my disastrous dinner, he had been completely quiet and out of sight. I would attempt to ask Martin to give him notes only to watch Martin throw them away when he left. I decided it was best to wait after that.

The enforcers led me downstairs, where Martin was waiting. Martin scoffed once he saw me and I frowned, wondering if I looked that odd. "Trying to dress civil? You do know it doesn't hide what you are, correct?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I chose to ignore him, walking forward.

Ever since Prince Gordon had chosen to keep his distance, Martin had become more and more bold with each passing minute. He had tried keeping his comments more subtle, out of the ears of the enforcers. However, now he had no care in the world and directly attacked me as if waiting for me to lash out at him. It was unfortunate for him that I was able to keep my emotions in check.

I watched as we exited the palace and Martin told one of the enforcers to take his spot in the carriage we were supposed to share before entering the other. I shook my head, sighing, before going into my own. I had done nothing to him yet he acted as if I had caught a disease and was plotting to pass it to him.

It had been similar at Kendall's. The only reason we had not spent the night was because Martin was disliked by Kendall for some reason. I had heard enforcers laughing about it while we were there but they had quieted when I tried listening in.

The ride towards Calyx's was silent, the three enforcers riding with me silently. It was as usual, none of the making eye contact with me. They either looked straight ahead or out the window. I did not bother trying to speak with them this time, my nerves getting the best of me.

I was worried about seeing Kai again. It had been quite some time and a lot had happened. I wondered how he was doing, having no contact with him whatsoever. I was told just as I had visited Kendall and Prince Gordon's land, Kai had done the same. However, when he journeyed to Prince Gordon's he was not allowed to visit for fear of the Prince's safety.

I was sure that when Kai had visited, they had all fallen in love with his charming ways. When visiting Prince Gordon's land, a few had told me how dreamy they had found Kai, which had made me laugh. I had agreed with them, knowing that Kai was charismatic when I was not around to fuel his possessive nature.

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