Writing Contest

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Deadline: OCTOBER 1ST

This is dedicated to my Jumbu, CKJ664 who's volunteered to help judge. Go add her story 'Aranged' to your reading lists. I promise you'll love it, especially the main character Aran :) She's a little badass.

SO, I've decided to do yet another writing contest. This one will be for either Property or Patience. It depends on what you decide to choose :) If there isn't a lot of responses, I'll go ahead and cancel it.

Judging: Jumbu and I will be judging this contest together. We'll both read each story, and talk to one another about them, what we liked and didn't like. I also believe we'll be, or at least I will, commenting no every one's entries.

What we're looking at and for: For those of you non-writers interested, this contest isn't going to evaluate your writing ability AT ALL. We won't be pointing out punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes. None of that will get points deducted. What we ARE checking for is your ability to stay in character and creativity.

For example, Snowflake isn't going to randomly start kissing Kendall's feet and obeying him. And Ivy isn't going to suddenly bitch-slap Kai or Cayne across the face. It has to make sense guys.

Prizes: SO I wasn't sure what to do for this one. I wanted it to be bigger than last time. You will for sure be getting a dedication, along with a shout-out if you win. Along with ONE of the following:

- A Printed copy of Property of a Gordon. It'll be placed in a binder, similar to the one shown on Property of a Gordon. The only one's who will have a copy of this are me, Jumbu, and you. Once the story is removed, you'll still be able to read it :) HOWEVER, this requires me to mail it somewhere, so I've given another option.

- You will be given the ability to give your inputs on Persistence of a Gordon, Calyx's story. I will be allowing you to voice your opinion on the story, and the plot, along with characters and whatnot. However, you will have to be able to access to PM and readily able to respond.


- There's no rule against character limit.

- it doesn't matter what POV it's in. It can be from Snowflake, Kendall, Nolan, Ivy, Kai, or Cayne's. It could even be from a guard's POV

- The ONLY thing it must include is a Snowfall, Scarlan, Kaivy, OR Ivayne scene.

- For this one, you CAN change what's happened, as it wouldn't work out for Scarlan lovers. So you can change this story or Property, however, remember, it HAS to make sense.


- In order for me to see it, I need you to dedicate it to me, PM me, post below that you've finished, or tag "POAG". Otherwise, I can't see it, and neither can Jumbu. You can also go and PM her.

THEME: READ HERE IF PLANNING TO ENTER. So if you're interested in entering, you NEED to place the ship (Snowfall, Ivayne, Kaivy, or Scarlan) below. Just place the name. Do not do anything else. I'll tell you if you've been accepted. You have until SEPTEMBER 20TH to do so. Once this day has passed, I will be contacting each of you and telling you what you have to write.

You CANNOT write this ahead of time guys. You can only write after I've given you the other half, which will be after the 20th.

Post questions, concerns, and your ship name below!!!

LATE RUNNERs: the other half of the theme has been given. PM me if your interested in joining, so that I can give it to you also!!!

Deadline: OCTOBER 1ST

(Side note: Thank you guys for getting Property of a Gordon to number one the other day <3 I was on my bus when I saw and couldn't have been happier)

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