Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"Ivy," Prince Gordon exclaimed, shooting up, his eyes holding an alarmed look. He was fast to turn around, his back now facing my bare body.

"Päästja, I didn't expect anyone!" I said quickly, a blush coloring my face. I ran towards the wardrobe, throwing on one of the several nightgowns.

I hadn't been paying attention, and I certainly hadn't expected anyone to be waiting within the room for me. Grabbing a towel wasn't something that had even crossed my mind after today's events.

"It is my fault. I should have waited outside," he apologized, embarrassment running through his voice. It was if he was the one who had walked out naked.

I paused, unsure what to do, before saying, "I'm clothed now. I suppose that wasn't the reason you are here." I thought perhaps he would laugh at my thin attempt to joke, but when he turned around, I could see that his own face held a blush.

"Perhaps you should sit down," he said, his eyes not quite meeting mine. Those few words turned on a switch in me, replacing the embarrassment with dread, who was more than delighted to fill my veins.

I hesitated before sitting down, my thoughts focused on Kai. Prince Gordon's face was bruised on one side, and it was evident that Kai had been the cause of it. He had assaulted a Prince, something I was sure wouldn't be taken very lightly.

"What is to happen to Kai, päästja?" I asked softly, my eyes travelling along the wooden floor. I couldn't bear to look at him as he answered my question.

I could hear him sigh before a hand rustled through his hair, returning back to its spot on the bed. "Something has to happen, dear. He cannot continue to act this way," he responded, and my heart dropped.

"Please don't kill Kai, Prince Gordon," I pleaded, my body turned towards his now. I held eye contact, hoping he would see something within them to keep him from making the fatal decision.

"I promise that my lumeleopard has a good heart when it comes to anything but me. He is simply rash and does not think of the potential consequences. However, that is not a sufficient reason to kill him," I added and continued babbling, hoping something I said would make sense to him.

He was speaking now, but it seemed as if I couldn't stop talking, begging for Kai's life. The words kept spilling out until he touched my cheek, the movement startling me.

"Ivy, dear, Kai will not be executed. You have my word. I did not ever think about killing or harming him in any way; I am above that," he said, his eyes holding a tender, reassuring look. They were sincere, reflecting the promise he had just verbally given.

I could feel my heart rate slow down and my muscles relax. My breathing grew steady once again, and exhaustion hit me as the adrenaline drew away. I supposed it was true that we do find Safety and her allies in the promises of those we trust.

"Kai will no longer be partaking in this event any longer. You will be the only one representing your kind, dear, as it is too dangerous for myself and your kind to allow Kai to continue on. He will either be placed in a separate wing of the palace, where you are free to visit him, or be given to one of my brothers," he explained, carefully speaking. 

Both options were better than I had thought they would be. They did not cause harm to Kai, nor did they have him chained up in a basement somewhere. He would be comfortable wherever he went and not held as a prisoner.

"May I speak with Kai before you make a decision?" I asked, hoping I could make Kai see reason that this was the best option. If he continued fighting, it would only end badly.

"Of course you can, my dear. However, I will be close by with the guards," he said, and I smiled. I knew Kai would never cause harm to me in any way, whether physical or verbal, but the action was kind.

"Thank you for your kindness, päästja. I do not know how to repay you," I said softly, and he smiled at me in return.

"I do not expect payment, Ivy. If you do not change your heart, you will be repaying me in the best way," he responded, and my smile grew in size, blossoming across my face. 

I watched as he stood up, offering me his hand. I took it, allowing him to help me up. I stumbled at first and found myself closer to him than I had realized.

His hand still held mine, both between us and keeping the distance from closing. Neither of us moved, as we should have.

"You have become a big part of my life, Ivy. I know that we have only known one another for a short time, but—" he started. However, he stopped himself, his voice trailing off. His eyes flickered, focusing more on my own than before. "You have helped me more than you realize."

We had moved closer to one another without noticing, his forehead skimming mine. I intended to press my lips against his cheek in appreciation for his words, but they ended up closer to his own lips, the tension between us thickening.

I leaned down, my nose running along his collarbone as I nuzzled his neck, my emotions askew. There was absolutely nothing else in the world but the two of us, closer than we had ever been before.

His own heart was beating erratically, threatening to jump out of him and into me. His breaths were becoming shorter than usual and I was sure if I looked up, I would see his eyes had changed too.

I decided it was best to pull away, the binding tension making it difficult to do so. However, I knew staying there with him would lead me to a destination I wasn't prepared for and may never be able to handle.

The air was now noticeably thinner and had begun relaxing around us, sensing all was supposed to return to its normal state. I looked towards Prince Gordon who was staring at me, his eyes indecipherable.

"I cherish you, päästja. You are one of the two people I care deeply for," I said; however, judging by his expression, it was not what he was hoping for.

"We should go, dear," he said quietly, giving me a brief, distracted smile before going towards the door and holding it open for me.

I thanked him, and we left with him leading the way. Enforcers naturally followed us, silent as ever. The walk was quiet, the only sound audible was everyone's footfalls. 

We turned down a hall and I could see more enforcers than usual. They were lined against the walls, all staring ahead. Occasionally their eyes would drift, scanning the halls before returning to their usual spot. The hall gave off a dark atmosphere, causing me to wonder what exactly it was used for.
Prince Gordon led me to a door that held a small window. I paused before peering in, seeing my lumeleopard pacing the floor, looking around.

The room looked more like a cell than anything, made for keeping others in and not intended for comfort.

Guilt swept through me at the sight, and my eyes flickered to the ground for a moment. I was responsible for Kai being in there right now; it was my fault.

I was a burden for Kai and had been since we came here. He constantly had to go out of his way when trying to protect me or when trying to keep what he perceived as a challenge away from me.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Kai had never caused problems for me, as I certainly did for him. Perhaps my leap was right all along in believing that I wasn't worthy for Kai.

It was often I would hear them gossiping about me, saying Kai deserved a better, stronger, leopardess by his side. He deserved someone who would give him strong cubs and be equal to him, not cause problems.

I took a deep breath, all these thoughts on my mind, before walking into the room.

*Would y'all be interested in me writing a guide book basically sharing how I've gotten where I am and all of what I did, with writing advice from me and fellow Wattpadians? You would be able to ask questions and get answers and whatnot!

Update: Peep this guide book on my profile, titled Eyes of a Wolf: An Advice Book!

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