Chapter Twenty One (Kai and Prince Gordon)

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 This is set in a different point of view so you'll see both Kai and Cayne/Prince Gordon. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Twenty One (3rd POV Kai/Prince Gordon)

Kai had spent the night, awake, in the room by himself. He had spent the time allowing his anger at the prince to pent up and snake around him like a second pair of clothing. The only reason he was in this situation was because of him.

His süda belonged by his side, in his arms. She didn't belong in another man's and shouldn't have danced with him. He had warned her what would happen, but she hadn't believed his words until his fist connected with the prince's jaw.

He wondered whether she was alone right now, or whether she had run into his arms for comfort. It was selfish of him to hope she was alone and he knew it. But he couldn't imagine her crying with the prince, allowing him to soothe her. It was his job, something he enjoyed doing,

He enjoyed holding her in his arms, shunning the world and its evils away from her. He enjoyed running his hands through her hair and down her back in a slow, rhythmic motion. he enjoyed whispering sweet nothings into her ear and telling her all would be fine until the tears came to a stop. He took pride in knowing that he was able to calm her fears and reassure her.

When she had come in, he had been relieved until she started talking. It was then she started spouting irrational thoughts about them taking a break as if it was the most reasonable thing. He wouldn't let her know how much it had hurt him to know his süda wanted distance from him.

Everything he did was for her, or for them. She was the reason he barely slept during the nights, keeping watch over her. She was the reason his eyes always seemed to wander, always making sure she was nearby.

He couldn't bear to lose her or know she'd been harmed while he was by her. He wouldn't stand by and allow something to happen to her while he was alive. He wouldn't abandon her as he had his leap in their moment of need. She was his to protect and he would do just that.

She had been on his mind the entire night, along with him, causing the anger to build up into worry, jealousy, and worse yet, fear. What if she decided the prince was a more suitable mate for her and forgot about him completely?

While Kai went without sleep, Prince Gordon was doing the same within his office. Keeping two shifters in his palace was proving more difficult than he had thought it would be. Sure, he had expected trouble, but not near as much as he was being given.

Despite their trouble, they were doing exactly what they were sent here for; changing the minds of the public about their kind. It was astonishing how they were doing so, even changing his own mind.

He did not have much of an opinion on shifters before meeting the two of them. They were simply there, no longer a threat to humans, as every species was on the hunt for shifters. They weren't likely to cause much trouble with so many against them.

However, upon meeting the two of them he found shifters to be something to strive towards. Kai may harbor hatred towards him, but he held a passion for Ivy that most humans did not achieve. He held a determination that humans had given up a long time ago.

Ivy held a gentleness that he had never known existed. She was gentle with everything around her, despite the situations she faced. She had a spirit within her that he could only hope would never die out or leave this world.

They had both shown him that shifters deserved their second chance within the first few weeks, but they still had not gone out into the public. Now that Kai was being sent off,their chance was growing that much slimmer. Prince Gordon would help however he could, but it was up to Ivy now.

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