Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Kai was a steady rock throughout the night, not once complaining about my sobbing or my weight that leaned against him. He was only silent, occasionally pressing his soft head against mine affectionately.

When someone finally pounded on the door, I found myself jumping at the harsh sound while Kai's ears flickered, his eyes lazily moving towards the door.

"Get up, now! The Prince expects you both!" A deep voice snapped, not bothering with the concept of a gentle waking.

My eyes met the blue-green irises of a snow leopard's before I reluctantly pulled away from him, the cold, undesired air greeting me right away. I shivered, wishing for the sun's familiar warmth to touch my skin.

I walked towards the door and the snow leopard immediately climbed off the bed, walking closely next to me, the padding of his paws silent with each step.

I opened the door an inch and not even a foot away stood one of the enforcers, his eyes flashing. "You aren't decent," he pointed out, staring at the sections of my dirtied dress that he could see through the slit.

"I came to tell you we're both in need of clothes," I replied, watching him blink in response before barking orders.

"Get their clothes! They should've been here a minute ago!" He snapped, turning around and we both watched as what appeared to be servants scurried to follow his orders.

It was only a few minutes before they came back, two black bags in a servant's arms. "The rooms will be fully stocked by the time you return if these fit correctly," she murmured, handing the clothes over before darting away.

The enforcer turned, thrusting the clothes towards me. "By the time you two are dressed appropriately, Martin will be here to escort the both of you," he instructed.

I opened the door widely, the snow leopard watching warily from my feet as I took the two bags from the enforcer. I gave him a smile and a slight bow as I thanked him. I then closed the door, but not before catching the surprise sprinkled in his eyes.

"I think it's better if you stay human this time. It gives us both a chance to introduce ourselves as humans, not cats," I said, laying the black bags gently on the bed.

Kai huffed while I unzipped on of the bags, revealing the top of a white dress. I re-zipped it and carefully picked it up, heading for the bathroom. I glanced at Kai who just sat there, seeming reluctant, before closing the door.

The bathroom was both large and beautiful. It was even themed, the walls an ocean blue while the shower curtain held shiny-eyed dolphins. I found myself going over to them, wondering if this was what the ocean actually looked like. If so, I would hold the same content look the dolphins did.

I found myself thrilled by the small samples lined up on the counter. Cosmetic products of any sort were forbidden in the village, as there was no true need to wear it. There was no need for me to impress Kai, for example, with a false face when he was already attracted to my natural one.

I ended up jumping into the shower for a few minutes, watching the caked dirt slide off my body and swirl down the drain, the scent of cucumbers replacing it. When I was certain there wasn't any left, I walked out, drying completely off with a towel hanging on a nearby rack.

It was then that I smothered myself in a little of each of the lotions, unable to decide on one. By the time I slid into the new dress, my skin glowed and sparkled. Around then, Kai decided he was tired of waiting.

"Ivy, what-" he started, opening the door and pausing, his eyes only on me, nothing else.

The dress was simple, yet elegant in comparison to my other. It gracefully flew to the floor, just barely covering my bare feet. The sleeves fell off my shoulders but did so with purpose. There was a thick, golden rope around my waist that attached to the dress, matching my hair that was braided to the side. I didn't know how, but the dress fit me perfectly.

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