Holiday Chapter

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You're free to skip this as it doesn't actually go into this story. This is set before the story, when Kai and Ivy were with their leap. It's a holiday chapter (New Year's) and I hope y'all enjoy it! Happy Holidays!

Holiday Chapter (New Years)

"Alright, jumbu, are you ready for the the day?" I asked, kneeling down so we appeared on the same level.

He grinned, showing me a full set of white teeth as he did so. He then nodded so eagerly I was afraid he would end up hurting his neck.

"The paint's ready!"

I smiled back at him, standing up before offering him my hand. He quickly took it, moving out of the line and to the center where the adults were.

They all cooed over him, smiled and laughing. He soaked up the attention, dazzled by the whole event taking place. He'd giggle with the adults and nod, but he stayed close by my side.

"Let us go," I murmured, pulling him to where the two girls sat by large pots. They were stirring the face paint they had created with things in the forest, one holding black and the other holding white.

"He's all yours," I said, smiling brightly at them. They thanked me before beckoning him over. He hesitated but ended up going over and winning their attention with his smile.

I stood to the side, watching as they continued talking to him. One of the girls grabbed a brush, dipping it in the black paint. She twirled it, lightly pressing it against the side of the pot to get rid of the excess. She then beckoned the boy closer, telling him to hush, before gliding the brush against his face.

While she did so, I could hear the murmuring and excited chatter of the children. The adoring glances the females kept sending behind me told me more than I needed to know. I rolled my eyes, smiling when I felt a hand wrap around my waist, pulling me against his chest.

"Hello, Armastatu. Done with your Alpha responsibilities for the day?" I asked him lightly, feeling his lips skim my hair before pressing against my ear, nipping it.

"Just finished up. I'll be spending the rest of the holiday where I belong: with my süda," he responded, receiving a smile from me. I grabbed his hand, holding it in mine while ignoring all the glances people were stealing at us.

I looked back over at the little boy to see that the left side of his face had been painted black, his brown eyes standing out. He was starting to fidget now, but with help from the others, he calmed down, and the painting of the right side of his face began. This time, the white paint was stroked across his face with delicacy.

The painting of the little ones in our leap was a common thing done at the end of each year before it finished. They were painted both black and white in the morning before they were told the black represented their past and the white their future.

They were also later told that the black would be washed away in the river at night to represent the past being put behind them. It was said that the painting represented us acknowledging our past and all we had done within the year. When we washed it out in the river, we were ridding ourselves of its burden and allowing ourselves to be set free from it.

The white represented our future. It was kept on during the washing and through the night of New Year's Eve. We told the little ones that if they could leave the white paint untouched for the whole night without a scratch or anything missing, they would have a good year. If the white paint remained as it was put on, it portrayed their patience and self-restraint. If the white paint was messed with in any way, it showed their lack of both.

Most of the little ones would end up staying up the whole night in an attempt to keep the face paint from messing up. Some would tire of it and try peeling it off, while others would completely forget it was there and fall asleep. I had been one of those who stayed up and had ended without a flaw in mine.

They had finally finished with the little boy, so the girl next in line was dancing happily, looking over and Kai and me. I smiled at her, telling Kai that I would be back before walking towards her.

"My, my, such a beautiful dress for your special day," I whispered to her, receiving a blush and a giggle. She nodded, twirling in it for me. I oohed and awed appropriately before they called me over.

"Here we are," I told her, pressing a kiss against her cheek before sending her off to the other girls. Once she was set, I walked over to a smiling Kai.

"Something wrong?" I teased, pressing my lips against his chin before wrapping my arms around him. He shook his head, his smile growing in size.

"You're going to make a great mother one day," he whispered, running his thumb along my jawline. I leaned into his touch, smiling back.

"I wonder who the lucky man will be," I said, his smile quickly disappearing before a low growl built in his chest. I laughed in response, my arms moving from his waist to his shoulders.

He leaned his forehead against mine, giving me a quick kiss. "Perhaps that will be my new year's wish," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"To knock me up? I do not think you will be getting that," I said and he laughed.

"No, südame. I would just like you to come to the realization that there is no other man for you in this leap, or outside of it, for you. That's all I want for this year," He explained and I smiled, running my nose along his.

"Kai, you do not need to wish for that, my lumeleopard. I already know that I am for you and you are for me. That is not something you will ever have to worry about. My heart is locked safely within yours," I told him, knowing I would always remember the look he gave me in return before we shared our last kiss of the year.

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