Chapter Sixteen

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ISN'T THE COVER JUST BEE-YOU-TEA-FULL?!! It was made by the same person who made the Property of a Gordon cover and the person this chapter is dedicated to :D Thank the lovely maejestic for me!

Chapter Sixteen

The minutes had passed and turned into hours. Those hours allowed the sun to rest, and the moon to come out for its daily conversations with the stars.

I had taken a shower, which calmed me from the day's previous events. I had taken time to straighten my hair, something I never did in the leap. I placed a small section of it in an elegant clip, the rest cascading down my back.

I was currently wearing the dress that Prince Gordon had given me, which was beautiful. It was a pearl-colored dress that gracefully flowed to the ground, teasing it with its touch and covering my sandals. The top was heart-shaped and strapless, revealing the curve of my breasts. The entirety of the dress was simple, yet still gorgeous.

The back was supposed to zip up and allow the dress to press against my skin, yet it was doing the opposite. The back was folding outwards, and the zipper was only halfway up. No matter how much I tried, I could never pull it all the way.

Usually, Kai was the one who helped me if I couldn't tie, or zip up, a dress. Given my harsh words, I didn't think he was an option. I had knocked on his door several times, only to be ignored.

It was getting close to the time the ball was supposed to start, and I was becoming more and more nervous. I couldn't walk out like this, yet perhaps an enforcer could help me. It was doubtful, seeing as most could not tolerate my presence.

I glanced at the wall, wishing I could see Kai. He was somewhere in the neighboring room, probably still angered or hurt by my words. I regretted them more than he knew, but he wouldn't listen to me.

I started towards the door, still unsure of what I was going to do. When I opened the door, I wasn't met by an enforcer, but by Prince Gordon. His hand was raised, as if he was about to knock.

"Päästja, come in," I said, opening the door wider. He smiled in thanks before stepping inside the room.

"How is the dress?" I heard him ask as I walked towards the bathroom once again. I attempted to zip it for the last time, but was as unsuccessful as the first few. I slumped my shoulder in defeat, frowning.

"It is armas, Prince Gordon, but I'm afraid I am having trouble with it," I admitted. A second later I could hear his footsteps nearing me, coming closer and closer.

I could now see him in the mirror and found that the sight of him made me smile. Prince Gordon had chosen a classic, clean black and white suit, appearing sharp. Even his light-colored hair appeared smoother than usual, softer. His green eyes were his constant tonight, as beautiful as always.

"You look very nice," I complimented, still smiling at his figure in the mirror. "I have attempted to ask Kai for help, but he didn't answer." At that my eyes drifted from his and my smile faded.

"My dear, Kai is already outside. We have both been waiting for you for a couple of minutes, not very long," he said, and it was disappointment that greeted me like an old friend.

Kai and I had continually fought while here, although they had never lasted long. We forgave one another, yet it seemed as if our typical routine had changed its course.

"Would you mind helping me?" I asked Prince Gordon, hoping he did not see how much his words had affected me.

"Of course," he replied easily before stepping closer to me. He was now close enough that his suit brushed against the fabric of my dress as he began zipping it up.

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